Good morning! While we're at the height of the beans, do not miss a first course that contains them, so I put the ricetta.Per 4 people you need:
300 g of peeled beans
150 g of bacon or pancetta onion
3-4 fresh tomatoes chopped parsley salt
grated Parmesan cheese 200 g of paste type ditalloni
Cut the bacon into cubes and chop the onion finely.
In a large skillet sauté the bacon with a little oil.
When you add the onion becomes transparent.
You are a bit brown 'together and then add the tomatoes cut into chunks.
It should cook for about 10 minutes, stirring often or until the tomatoes apassiscono. Add to this point shelled beans. If the beans are a bit 'hard peel. Add hot water to cover them. Cook over medium heat for about a quarter of an hour. Season with salt.
Put to boil the pasta in boiling water salata.Scolatela and mix it with the sauce, adding the grated Parmesan and chopped parsley.
If you like to put a little 'pepper. And enjoy!
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