The Tar Lombardy ordered the Prefecture of Milan for a month to suspend the issuance of clearances not yet delivered to non-EU workers had participated in the 'click day' on 15 December
The procedure of the 2007 decree, which grants residence permits to 170 thousand workers from countries outside the EU, may not come out unscathed from an administrative tribunal. The order of the Lombardy Regional Administrative Court of 27 August, which blocks the release clearances in Milan until Oct. 21 upheld an appeal of the CISL, creates a precedent. And the Ministry of Interior forces required to move: to oppose the injunction.
The puzzle in the hands of the judges about December 15, the first of three "Click Day 'reserved for nationals of countries with a fast track because they have signed bilateral agreements with Italy. In the first five hours of the race, the central computer of the Interior Ministry had blocked: dismissed the claims with Singhalese names because they are too long (the other explanation: the brainy did not recognize a character of the alphabet). But now the problem is not of Sinhalese citizens whose applications have been through this setback placed in a separate list of immigrants from other countries but they were right behind: the names of Sri Lanka have created a cap, the following questions were received by ritardoe the time of submission is the first of the criteria for the ranking 170 thousand of places available.
"I believe that no one can question the acquired rights of 70 thousand persons who have already been cleared, it would be unfair. Check if someone has been damaged and we will give the Tar seeking explanations, "says Mario Morcone, head of the Department of the Interior Ministry civil liberties and immigration, which has handled the whole procedure first electronic migration.
The Ministry are confident that the irregularity concerns about a thousand requests on 740mila. What about 140 thousand practices so far examined, 40% are "excludes" to inadequate income, stop the police, the objections of the local Labour Office. Which in practice have been accepted requests sent by the unions at three in the afternoon, despite the common voice that wants the shares spent the first few minutes after the start of the race (especially a problem in the packages the requests sent by charitable institutions, not those of the private). So far, then, the Lombardy Regional Administrative Court has only asked the Prefecture of Milan to do all the checks and has postponed to 21 October. But a literal application of the rules and an excess of zeal could blow up the whole procedure.
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