flows. Patrons: "To accept all applications"
Rome - September 10, 2008 - Welcoming all his applications and finding a better system for the next race at odds.
is the only way out of the Empire of the flows into and heal the gap between the sum (the majority) and saved the day click. Especially now that has been called into question the fairness of the rankings.
To invoke this solution are the patrons of Ce.Pa., an acronym that combines ACLI, INAS-CISL, Inca-CGIL, Ital-Uil. Through their doors in December last matches are hundreds of thousands of job applications, but it is these cumulative shipments were slowed by blocks of computer system similar to that reported in Milan.
"We immediately reported the problems, which obviously take a back seat facing the overwhelming difference between the applications, and availability. Now we follow closely the outcome of the appeal, the consequences could be very serious, "said Henry Stranieriinitalia.it in Moroni, the national coordinator of the Inca and Immigration Officer, who currently chairs the patronage Ce.Pa.
The risk is that, even after other appeals, one that's triggered Moroni calls "a war between the poor, like, put someone on the list, but cast out of someone else. "So in the end to make the costs of this situation would still be employed and who has called them, the solution should be rather general. "
So here is the way out: "A new decree that allows you to accept his applications if they have the requirements to complete the recruitment. We must then sit around a table, says the representative of the Inca - and solve the technical problems which are still holding the examinations. In addition, because the rankings in many provinces have not been published yet? ".
The root node is still the system by which the inputs are assigned. "This lottery that rewards only those who get there first is unacceptable," he insists Moroni. "The patrons - remember - have offered assistance free under a protocol with the Interior Ministry have prevented files to the prefectures and in the end were even penalized. Virtually horned and bouquets ... "
by: www.stranierinitalia.it
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