affect 5 million customers in terms of economic hardship - Up to 135 € to 'discount'
Al via the application procedures required for activation by the operators of the new social protection scheme that will ensure a saving of around 20% on their electricity bills to residential customers in terms of economic hardship. The value of the 'bonus' will differ depending on the size of the household (60 € / year for a family of 1-2 people, 78 € / year for 3-4 persons, 135 € / year for a number of persons 4). When fully operational, it is estimated that will benefit from the social compensation approximately 5 million customers uncomfortable, which will be allocated, in total some 384 million euro a year.
The system will be fully operational since January 2009 and provides that the enjoyment of the bonus can also be retroactive for 2008, for requests made before February 28, 2009 (ARG / elt 117/08, available at www.autorita.energia.it). Over the next few weeks, the Authority, operators and municipalities make available detailed information for the submission of the request from customers to be admitted to the social bonus.
The bonus for disadvantaged households, who could ask will have access to social bonus, as determined by the Ministerial Decree of 28 December 2007, all households that have an ISEE, whose value is less than or equal to 7500 €. The ISEE is the equivalent economic situation indicator, which lets you measure the economic status of families, taking into account the income, property, real estate securities and the characteristics of size and type. E 'already widely used for accessing other social benefits, especially at local level. By way of example, a family comprising father, mother and two children, one income, rent and availability without additional capital, falls within the threshold of 7,500 ISEE with gross annual income to about € 23,400.
How to apply for the bonus Once activated the appropriate computer system to meet the requirements, which the Authority's resolution should be completed within 90 days, the customer can apply for home inconvenient access to the bonus by going to their city of residence and proof of value ISEE. The customer should also submit relevant information about its power supply (already available on each bill) and the abundance of the family over.
The question, after appropriate controls, may lead to the recognition of compensation for 12 months (unless renewed).
The reform of the domestic rate to recover about 384 million euro provision of necessary social bonus, is planning to introduce a new tariff component (referred to as As) that will be applied to the general user (home or otherwise), except for recipients of compensation.
The application of the bonus, however not lead to changes in the spending power of the household (with consumption of 2,700 kWh / year and 3 kW of power used). At the same time the introduction of the system of social protection, with the ARG / elt 117/08, the Authority has in fact ordered the revision of the tariff structure applies to most domestic customers. The new regime will apply from 1 January 2009 and includes some significant new developments.
In particular, thanks to some re-modulation system is in fact secured a further realignment of the fee to the real underlying costs, partially re-absorbing mechanisms of cross-subsidization, in the current tariff system.
The realignment will result in a decrease in spending a few percentage points for medium to high power consumption (2700-4800 kWh / year) of residence in the home, a situation that typically affects large families. At the same time, there will be an increase in consumer spending very high (above 5000 kWh / year) and low ones (such as single well-off).
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