Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Strong Man Gets Tied Up

Immigration: unjust and counterproductive measures

The CDM on family reunification. Olivero, 'heed the words of Bagnasco'

Rome, September 23, 2008 - "even more surprising really as the Church seems to be heard by this government on immigration." The national president of the ACLI intervenes with a severe criticism on the contents of the legislative decrees approved this morning by the Council of Ministers relating to family reunification and procedures for recognizing refugee status. "Just yesterday - said Andrea Olivero - Cardinal Bagnasco, president of the Bishops' Conference, had called 'positive response' for social integration 'balanced' from applications for family reunification. The Government instead - indifferent to these calls as well as the tragic events of recent days in Milan, rather than Castelvolturno - responds with a totally unwarranted tightening requirements for the reunification of immigrants with their families. And even with regard to refugees, prepares for more stringent measures against applicants, while still lacking in Italy, the only country in Europe, a law severely regulating the right of asylum. "

"The worst - the president of the ACLI continues - is that these restrictions are not only unjust but counterproductive. The tightening of procedures for the entry or stay legally in our country does nothing but increase the rate of illegal immigration, adding to the new arrivals - which are by no means stopped, contrary to what is prophesied in the spring, the Government - situations caused by the clandestine return to bureaucratic slowness. The story flows of the decree in this sense, an example is all too obvious. "

"But above all - he concludes Olivero - hinder family reunification means boycotting the main instrument of social integration of foreigners in Italy, with all the consequences that this entails in terms of dignity, the future of so-called second generation and the same security as citizens. "


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