Immigration: unjust and counterproductive measures
The CDM on family reunification. Olivero, 'heed the words of Bagnasco'
Rome, September 23, 2008 - "even more surprising really as the Church seems to be heard by this government on immigration." The national president of the ACLI intervenes with a severe criticism on the contents of the legislative decrees approved this morning by the Council of Ministers relating to family reunification and procedures for recognizing refugee status. "Just yesterday - said Andrea Olivero - Cardinal Bagnasco, president of the Bishops' Conference, had called 'positive response' for social integration 'balanced' from applications for family reunification. The Government instead - indifferent to these calls as well as the tragic events of recent days in Milan, rather than Castelvolturno - responds with a totally unwarranted tightening requirements for the reunification of immigrants with their families. And even with regard to refugees, prepares for more stringent measures against applicants, while still lacking in Italy, the only country in Europe, a law severely regulating the right of asylum. "
"The worst - the president of the ACLI continues - is that these restrictions are not only unjust but counterproductive. The tightening of procedures for the entry or stay legally in our country does nothing but increase the rate of illegal immigration, adding to the new arrivals - which are by no means stopped, contrary to what is prophesied in the spring, the Government - situations caused by the clandestine return to bureaucratic slowness. The story flows of the decree in this sense, an example is all too obvious. "
"But above all - he concludes Olivero - hinder family reunification means boycotting the main instrument of social integration of foreigners in Italy, with all the consequences that this entails in terms of dignity, the future of so-called second generation and the same security as citizens. "
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Strong Man Gets Tied Up
Immigration: unjust and counterproductive measures
The CDM on family reunification. Olivero, 'heed the words of Bagnasco'
Rome, September 23, 2008 - "even more surprising really as the Church seems to be heard by this government on immigration." The national president of the ACLI intervenes with a severe criticism on the contents of the legislative decrees approved this morning by the Council of Ministers relating to family reunification and procedures for recognizing refugee status. "Just yesterday - said Andrea Olivero - Cardinal Bagnasco, president of the Bishops' Conference, had called 'positive response' for social integration 'balanced' from applications for family reunification. The Government instead - indifferent to these calls as well as the tragic events of recent days in Milan, rather than Castelvolturno - responds with a totally unwarranted tightening requirements for the reunification of immigrants with their families. And even with regard to refugees, prepares for more stringent measures against applicants, while still lacking in Italy, the only country in Europe, a law severely regulating the right of asylum. "
"The worst - the president of the ACLI continues - is that these restrictions are not only unjust but counterproductive. The tightening of procedures for the entry or stay legally in our country does nothing but increase the rate of illegal immigration, adding to the new arrivals - which are by no means stopped, contrary to what is prophesied in the spring, the Government - situations caused by the clandestine return to bureaucratic slowness. The story flows of the decree in this sense, an example is all too obvious. "
"But above all - he concludes Olivero - hinder family reunification means boycotting the main instrument of social integration of foreigners in Italy, with all the consequences that this entails in terms of dignity, the future of so-called second generation and the same security as citizens. "
The CDM on family reunification. Olivero, 'heed the words of Bagnasco'
Rome, September 23, 2008 - "even more surprising really as the Church seems to be heard by this government on immigration." The national president of the ACLI intervenes with a severe criticism on the contents of the legislative decrees approved this morning by the Council of Ministers relating to family reunification and procedures for recognizing refugee status. "Just yesterday - said Andrea Olivero - Cardinal Bagnasco, president of the Bishops' Conference, had called 'positive response' for social integration 'balanced' from applications for family reunification. The Government instead - indifferent to these calls as well as the tragic events of recent days in Milan, rather than Castelvolturno - responds with a totally unwarranted tightening requirements for the reunification of immigrants with their families. And even with regard to refugees, prepares for more stringent measures against applicants, while still lacking in Italy, the only country in Europe, a law severely regulating the right of asylum. "
"The worst - the president of the ACLI continues - is that these restrictions are not only unjust but counterproductive. The tightening of procedures for the entry or stay legally in our country does nothing but increase the rate of illegal immigration, adding to the new arrivals - which are by no means stopped, contrary to what is prophesied in the spring, the Government - situations caused by the clandestine return to bureaucratic slowness. The story flows of the decree in this sense, an example is all too obvious. "
"But above all - he concludes Olivero - hinder family reunification means boycotting the main instrument of social integration of foreigners in Italy, with all the consequences that this entails in terms of dignity, the future of so-called second generation and the same security as citizens. "
Strong Man Gets Tied Up
Immigration: unjust and counterproductive measures
The CDM on family reunification. Olivero, 'heed the words of Bagnasco'
Rome, September 23, 2008 - "even more surprising really as the Church seems to be heard by this government on immigration." The national president of the ACLI intervenes with a severe criticism on the contents of the legislative decrees approved this morning by the Council of Ministers relating to family reunification and procedures for recognizing refugee status. "Just yesterday - said Andrea Olivero - Cardinal Bagnasco, president of the Bishops' Conference, had called 'positive response' for social integration 'balanced' from applications for family reunification. The Government instead - indifferent to these calls as well as the tragic events of recent days in Milan, rather than Castelvolturno - responds with a totally unwarranted tightening requirements for the reunification of immigrants with their families. And even with regard to refugees, prepares for more stringent measures against applicants, while still lacking in Italy, the only country in Europe, a law severely regulating the right of asylum. "
"The worst - the president of the ACLI continues - is that these restrictions are not only unjust but counterproductive. The tightening of procedures for the entry or stay legally in our country does nothing but increase the rate of illegal immigration, adding to the new arrivals - which are by no means stopped, contrary to what is prophesied in the spring, the Government - situations caused by the clandestine return to bureaucratic slowness. The story flows of the decree in this sense, an example is all too obvious. "
"But above all - he concludes Olivero - hinder family reunification means boycotting the main instrument of social integration of foreigners in Italy, with all the consequences that this entails in terms of dignity, the future of so-called second generation and the same security as citizens. "
The CDM on family reunification. Olivero, 'heed the words of Bagnasco'
Rome, September 23, 2008 - "even more surprising really as the Church seems to be heard by this government on immigration." The national president of the ACLI intervenes with a severe criticism on the contents of the legislative decrees approved this morning by the Council of Ministers relating to family reunification and procedures for recognizing refugee status. "Just yesterday - said Andrea Olivero - Cardinal Bagnasco, president of the Bishops' Conference, had called 'positive response' for social integration 'balanced' from applications for family reunification. The Government instead - indifferent to these calls as well as the tragic events of recent days in Milan, rather than Castelvolturno - responds with a totally unwarranted tightening requirements for the reunification of immigrants with their families. And even with regard to refugees, prepares for more stringent measures against applicants, while still lacking in Italy, the only country in Europe, a law severely regulating the right of asylum. "
"The worst - the president of the ACLI continues - is that these restrictions are not only unjust but counterproductive. The tightening of procedures for the entry or stay legally in our country does nothing but increase the rate of illegal immigration, adding to the new arrivals - which are by no means stopped, contrary to what is prophesied in the spring, the Government - situations caused by the clandestine return to bureaucratic slowness. The story flows of the decree in this sense, an example is all too obvious. "
"But above all - he concludes Olivero - hinder family reunification means boycotting the main instrument of social integration of foreigners in Italy, with all the consequences that this entails in terms of dignity, the future of so-called second generation and the same security as citizens. "
Aluminum Zirconium Octachlorohydrex Gly Toxicity
Five hundred soldiers in the area of \u200b\u200bCaserta, ten new centers for immigrants, two new statutory instruments relating to asylum and family reunification.
Roberto Maroni, Minister of the Interior, after the Council of Ministers told reporters the many decisions taken by the government. First, the 500 soldiers who will be sent for a better control of the territory in areas at high risk of crime 'and the funding of ten new centers for immigrants with funding from the 2008, 2009, 2010. "In 2007 - said Maroni - from January to September reached 14,200 migrants in Italy; the same period in 2008, about 23,600 have arrived, with an increase of 60%. We then identified the ten regions, which were lacking, where to build new centers for immigrants. "Maroni said that the European Commission gave the green light to two decrees, one for asylum seekers and on the reunification family. As regards requests for asylum in 2007 there were 14 000 applications and for this and 'created the need' to develop procedures that prevent abuse. Today, if an illegal immigrant arrives is put into a center reception of asylum seekers should be closed while the centers are open and where they can escape. So how many will ask for asylum at a place where stay, under the tutelage of someone who will act as guarantor. As for family reunions, you must 'make the'identita' is demonstrated beyond doubt, and if the authorities 'consular of a country unable to ascertain the relationship with an immigrant resident in Italy you can' do use of analysis of DNA analysis that will be 'charged to the applicant. (AGI) - Rome, September 23 -
Five hundred soldiers in the area of \u200b\u200bCaserta, ten new centers for immigrants, two new statutory instruments relating to asylum and family reunification.
Roberto Maroni, Minister of the Interior, after the Council of Ministers told reporters the many decisions taken by the government. First, the 500 soldiers who will be sent for a better control of the territory in areas at high risk of crime 'and the funding of ten new centers for immigrants with funding from the 2008, 2009, 2010. "In 2007 - said Maroni - from January to September reached 14,200 migrants in Italy; the same period in 2008, about 23,600 have arrived, with an increase of 60%. We then identified the ten regions, which were lacking, where to build new centers for immigrants. "Maroni said that the European Commission gave the green light to two decrees, one for asylum seekers and on the reunification family. As regards requests for asylum in 2007 there were 14 000 applications and for this and 'created the need' to develop procedures that prevent abuse. Today, if an illegal immigrant arrives is put into a center reception of asylum seekers should be closed while the centers are open and where they can escape. So how many will ask for asylum at a place where stay, under the tutelage of someone who will act as guarantor. As for family reunions, you must 'make the'identita' is demonstrated beyond doubt, and if the authorities 'consular of a country unable to ascertain the relationship with an immigrant resident in Italy you can' do use of analysis of DNA analysis that will be 'charged to the applicant. (AGI) - Rome, September 23 -
Aluminum Zirconium Octachlorohydrex Gly Toxicity
Five hundred soldiers in the area of \u200b\u200bCaserta, ten new centers for immigrants, two new statutory instruments relating to asylum and family reunification.
Roberto Maroni, Minister of the Interior, after the Council of Ministers told reporters the many decisions taken by the government. First, the 500 soldiers who will be sent for a better control of the territory in areas at high risk of crime 'and the funding of ten new centers for immigrants with funding from the 2008, 2009, 2010. "In 2007 - said Maroni - from January to September reached 14,200 migrants in Italy; the same period in 2008, about 23,600 have arrived, with an increase of 60%. We then identified the ten regions, which were lacking, where to build new centers for immigrants. "Maroni said that the European Commission gave the green light to two decrees, one for asylum seekers and on the reunification family. As regards requests for asylum in 2007 there were 14 000 applications and for this and 'created the need' to develop procedures that prevent abuse. Today, if an illegal immigrant arrives is put into a center reception of asylum seekers should be closed while the centers are open and where they can escape. So how many will ask for asylum at a place where stay, under the tutelage of someone who will act as guarantor. As for family reunions, you must 'make the'identita' is demonstrated beyond doubt, and if the authorities 'consular of a country unable to ascertain the relationship with an immigrant resident in Italy you can' do use of analysis of DNA analysis that will be 'charged to the applicant. (AGI) - Rome, September 23 -
Five hundred soldiers in the area of \u200b\u200bCaserta, ten new centers for immigrants, two new statutory instruments relating to asylum and family reunification.
Roberto Maroni, Minister of the Interior, after the Council of Ministers told reporters the many decisions taken by the government. First, the 500 soldiers who will be sent for a better control of the territory in areas at high risk of crime 'and the funding of ten new centers for immigrants with funding from the 2008, 2009, 2010. "In 2007 - said Maroni - from January to September reached 14,200 migrants in Italy; the same period in 2008, about 23,600 have arrived, with an increase of 60%. We then identified the ten regions, which were lacking, where to build new centers for immigrants. "Maroni said that the European Commission gave the green light to two decrees, one for asylum seekers and on the reunification family. As regards requests for asylum in 2007 there were 14 000 applications and for this and 'created the need' to develop procedures that prevent abuse. Today, if an illegal immigrant arrives is put into a center reception of asylum seekers should be closed while the centers are open and where they can escape. So how many will ask for asylum at a place where stay, under the tutelage of someone who will act as guarantor. As for family reunions, you must 'make the'identita' is demonstrated beyond doubt, and if the authorities 'consular of a country unable to ascertain the relationship with an immigrant resident in Italy you can' do use of analysis of DNA analysis that will be 'charged to the applicant. (AGI) - Rome, September 23 -
Aluminum Zirconium Octachlorohydrex Gly Toxicity
Five hundred soldiers in the area of \u200b\u200bCaserta, ten new centers for immigrants, two new statutory instruments relating to asylum and family reunification.
Roberto Maroni, Minister of the Interior, after the Council of Ministers told reporters the many decisions taken by the government. First, the 500 soldiers who will be sent for a better control of the territory in areas at high risk of crime 'and the funding of ten new centers for immigrants with funding from the 2008, 2009, 2010. "In 2007 - said Maroni - from January to September reached 14,200 migrants in Italy; the same period in 2008, about 23,600 have arrived, with an increase of 60%. We then identified the ten regions, which were lacking, where to build new centers for immigrants. "Maroni said that the European Commission gave the green light to two decrees, one for asylum seekers and on the reunification family. As regards requests for asylum in 2007 there were 14 000 applications and for this and 'created the need' to develop procedures that prevent abuse. Today, if an illegal immigrant arrives is put into a center reception of asylum seekers should be closed while the centers are open and where they can escape. So how many will ask for asylum at a place where stay, under the tutelage of someone who will act as guarantor. As for family reunions, you must 'make the'identita' is demonstrated beyond doubt, and if the authorities 'consular of a country unable to ascertain the relationship with an immigrant resident in Italy you can' do use of analysis of DNA analysis that will be 'charged to the applicant. (AGI) - Rome, September 23 -
Five hundred soldiers in the area of \u200b\u200bCaserta, ten new centers for immigrants, two new statutory instruments relating to asylum and family reunification.
Roberto Maroni, Minister of the Interior, after the Council of Ministers told reporters the many decisions taken by the government. First, the 500 soldiers who will be sent for a better control of the territory in areas at high risk of crime 'and the funding of ten new centers for immigrants with funding from the 2008, 2009, 2010. "In 2007 - said Maroni - from January to September reached 14,200 migrants in Italy; the same period in 2008, about 23,600 have arrived, with an increase of 60%. We then identified the ten regions, which were lacking, where to build new centers for immigrants. "Maroni said that the European Commission gave the green light to two decrees, one for asylum seekers and on the reunification family. As regards requests for asylum in 2007 there were 14 000 applications and for this and 'created the need' to develop procedures that prevent abuse. Today, if an illegal immigrant arrives is put into a center reception of asylum seekers should be closed while the centers are open and where they can escape. So how many will ask for asylum at a place where stay, under the tutelage of someone who will act as guarantor. As for family reunions, you must 'make the'identita' is demonstrated beyond doubt, and if the authorities 'consular of a country unable to ascertain the relationship with an immigrant resident in Italy you can' do use of analysis of DNA analysis that will be 'charged to the applicant. (AGI) - Rome, September 23 -
Monday, September 22, 2008
Large Hair Vegina Wallpaper
communication campaign on the integration of migrants
will start in October, the communication campaign on the integration of immigrants, sponsored by the Ministry of Labour, Health and Welfare.
The campaign aims to promote coexistence in our society between foreign citizens and Italian citizens through information and dissemination of the fundamental principles of the Constitution, the national legal system and social inclusion programs, which are essential for creating and sustaining an effective dialogue and intercultural awareness .
Increased awareness of rights and duties which they hold migrant citizens and a better knowledge of migration by Italian citizens will be promoted through initiatives of a specific integrated together: a tour of contact, football tournaments in five and an advertising campaign.
During the "tour of contact for Integration" specialized operators meet the immigrants in their home city (Rome, Turin, Milan, Brescia, Vicenza, Treviso, Bari and Palermo) and in their usual haunts to perform support activities and to distribute the brochure entitled "Immigration: How, where, when, "a publication in 8 languages \u200b\u200bproduced to accompany the foreign national in its path of integration and to help in solving the everyday problems most often: the contract of employment to enroll the children in school, from licensing to 'Opening a bank account. A special section is devoted to the relevant safety in the workplace in order to foster knowledge and emphasize the importance of the use of protective equipment. The handbook, currently being reprinted, it will be also available on corporate website During the tour of contact, which will be preceded by a communication campaign to promote local initiative, there will be a contest that is giving away services and basic necessities for all participants.
The "football tournaments for Integration", organized in collaboration with the Uisp (Italian Union of Sport for All), will take place in 8 cities, significant from the point of view of the presence of foreign population: Rome, Milan, Turin, Venice, Mantua, Lecce, Modena and Prato. Every football tournament at 5 and will last a month and a half will see every seat in the participation of eight teams, each of 12 players. The formations "mixed" will consist of six Italians and six foreigners. Registration for the tournament and the technical material will be free. In each city the event will be preceded by meetings with local and foreign communities.
The campaign will be supported by a multimedia communication, designed to reach both the Italian and the immigrant population, divided into different media: television, print, radio, billboards and the Internet. The campaign will air on October 5.
The entire campaign will be launched September 26 in Lampedusa in the second edition of "The men of the next story," roundtable discussion on migration and on the value of integration between cultures, with the participation of various institutions and international non-governmental organizations. The appointment is part of the schedule of the Festival "O'sciĆ ", which was designed by the Foundation of the Maestro Claudio Baglioni, place in the Pelagie Islands September 24 to 27.

will start in October, the communication campaign on the integration of immigrants, sponsored by the Ministry of Labour, Health and Welfare.
The campaign aims to promote coexistence in our society between foreign citizens and Italian citizens through information and dissemination of the fundamental principles of the Constitution, the national legal system and social inclusion programs, which are essential for creating and sustaining an effective dialogue and intercultural awareness .
Increased awareness of rights and duties which they hold migrant citizens and a better knowledge of migration by Italian citizens will be promoted through initiatives of a specific integrated together: a tour of contact, football tournaments in five and an advertising campaign.
During the "tour of contact for Integration" specialized operators meet the immigrants in their home city (Rome, Turin, Milan, Brescia, Vicenza, Treviso, Bari and Palermo) and in their usual haunts to perform support activities and to distribute the brochure entitled "Immigration: How, where, when, "a publication in 8 languages \u200b\u200bproduced to accompany the foreign national in its path of integration and to help in solving the everyday problems most often: the contract of employment to enroll the children in school, from licensing to 'Opening a bank account. A special section is devoted to the relevant safety in the workplace in order to foster knowledge and emphasize the importance of the use of protective equipment. The handbook, currently being reprinted, it will be also available on corporate website During the tour of contact, which will be preceded by a communication campaign to promote local initiative, there will be a contest that is giving away services and basic necessities for all participants.
The "football tournaments for Integration", organized in collaboration with the Uisp (Italian Union of Sport for All), will take place in 8 cities, significant from the point of view of the presence of foreign population: Rome, Milan, Turin, Venice, Mantua, Lecce, Modena and Prato. Every football tournament at 5 and will last a month and a half will see every seat in the participation of eight teams, each of 12 players. The formations "mixed" will consist of six Italians and six foreigners. Registration for the tournament and the technical material will be free. In each city the event will be preceded by meetings with local and foreign communities.
The campaign will be supported by a multimedia communication, designed to reach both the Italian and the immigrant population, divided into different media: television, print, radio, billboards and the Internet. The campaign will air on October 5.
The entire campaign will be launched September 26 in Lampedusa in the second edition of "The men of the next story," roundtable discussion on migration and on the value of integration between cultures, with the participation of various institutions and international non-governmental organizations. The appointment is part of the schedule of the Festival "O'sciĆ ", which was designed by the Foundation of the Maestro Claudio Baglioni, place in the Pelagie Islands September 24 to 27.
Large Hair Vegina Wallpaper
communication campaign on the integration of migrants
will start in October, the communication campaign on the integration of immigrants, sponsored by the Ministry of Labour, Health and Welfare.
The campaign aims to promote coexistence in our society between foreign citizens and Italian citizens through information and dissemination of the fundamental principles of the Constitution, the national legal system and social inclusion programs, which are essential for creating and sustaining an effective dialogue and intercultural awareness .
Increased awareness of rights and duties which they hold migrant citizens and a better knowledge of migration by Italian citizens will be promoted through initiatives of a specific integrated together: a tour of contact, football tournaments in five and an advertising campaign.
During the "tour of contact for Integration" specialized operators meet the immigrants in their home city (Rome, Turin, Milan, Brescia, Vicenza, Treviso, Bari and Palermo) and in their usual haunts to perform support activities and to distribute the brochure entitled "Immigration: How, where, when, "a publication in 8 languages \u200b\u200bproduced to accompany the foreign national in its path of integration and to help in solving the everyday problems most often: the contract of employment to enroll the children in school, from licensing to 'Opening a bank account. A special section is devoted to the relevant safety in the workplace in order to foster knowledge and emphasize the importance of the use of protective equipment. The handbook, currently being reprinted, it will be also available on corporate website During the tour of contact, which will be preceded by a communication campaign to promote local initiative, there will be a contest that is giving away services and basic necessities for all participants.
The "football tournaments for Integration", organized in collaboration with the Uisp (Italian Union of Sport for All), will take place in 8 cities, significant from the point of view of the presence of foreign population: Rome, Milan, Turin, Venice, Mantua, Lecce, Modena and Prato. Every football tournament at 5 and will last a month and a half will see every seat in the participation of eight teams, each of 12 players. The formations "mixed" will consist of six Italians and six foreigners. Registration for the tournament and the technical material will be free. In each city the event will be preceded by meetings with local and foreign communities.
The campaign will be supported by a multimedia communication, designed to reach both the Italian and the immigrant population, divided into different media: television, print, radio, billboards and the Internet. The campaign will air on October 5.
The entire campaign will be launched September 26 in Lampedusa in the second edition of "The men of the next story," roundtable discussion on migration and on the value of integration between cultures, with the participation of various institutions and international non-governmental organizations. The appointment is part of the schedule of the Festival "O'sciĆ ", which was designed by the Foundation of the Maestro Claudio Baglioni, place in the Pelagie Islands September 24 to 27.

will start in October, the communication campaign on the integration of immigrants, sponsored by the Ministry of Labour, Health and Welfare.
The campaign aims to promote coexistence in our society between foreign citizens and Italian citizens through information and dissemination of the fundamental principles of the Constitution, the national legal system and social inclusion programs, which are essential for creating and sustaining an effective dialogue and intercultural awareness .
Increased awareness of rights and duties which they hold migrant citizens and a better knowledge of migration by Italian citizens will be promoted through initiatives of a specific integrated together: a tour of contact, football tournaments in five and an advertising campaign.
During the "tour of contact for Integration" specialized operators meet the immigrants in their home city (Rome, Turin, Milan, Brescia, Vicenza, Treviso, Bari and Palermo) and in their usual haunts to perform support activities and to distribute the brochure entitled "Immigration: How, where, when, "a publication in 8 languages \u200b\u200bproduced to accompany the foreign national in its path of integration and to help in solving the everyday problems most often: the contract of employment to enroll the children in school, from licensing to 'Opening a bank account. A special section is devoted to the relevant safety in the workplace in order to foster knowledge and emphasize the importance of the use of protective equipment. The handbook, currently being reprinted, it will be also available on corporate website During the tour of contact, which will be preceded by a communication campaign to promote local initiative, there will be a contest that is giving away services and basic necessities for all participants.
The "football tournaments for Integration", organized in collaboration with the Uisp (Italian Union of Sport for All), will take place in 8 cities, significant from the point of view of the presence of foreign population: Rome, Milan, Turin, Venice, Mantua, Lecce, Modena and Prato. Every football tournament at 5 and will last a month and a half will see every seat in the participation of eight teams, each of 12 players. The formations "mixed" will consist of six Italians and six foreigners. Registration for the tournament and the technical material will be free. In each city the event will be preceded by meetings with local and foreign communities.
The campaign will be supported by a multimedia communication, designed to reach both the Italian and the immigrant population, divided into different media: television, print, radio, billboards and the Internet. The campaign will air on October 5.
The entire campaign will be launched September 26 in Lampedusa in the second edition of "The men of the next story," roundtable discussion on migration and on the value of integration between cultures, with the participation of various institutions and international non-governmental organizations. The appointment is part of the schedule of the Festival "O'sciĆ ", which was designed by the Foundation of the Maestro Claudio Baglioni, place in the Pelagie Islands September 24 to 27.
Large Hair Vegina Wallpaper
communication campaign on the integration of migrants
will start in October, the communication campaign on the integration of immigrants, sponsored by the Ministry of Labour, Health and Welfare.
The campaign aims to promote coexistence in our society between foreign citizens and Italian citizens through information and dissemination of the fundamental principles of the Constitution, the national legal system and social inclusion programs, which are essential for creating and sustaining an effective dialogue and intercultural awareness .
Increased awareness of rights and duties which they hold migrant citizens and a better knowledge of migration by Italian citizens will be promoted through initiatives of a specific integrated together: a tour of contact, football tournaments in five and an advertising campaign.
During the "tour of contact for Integration" specialized operators meet the immigrants in their home city (Rome, Turin, Milan, Brescia, Vicenza, Treviso, Bari and Palermo) and in their usual haunts to perform support activities and to distribute the brochure entitled "Immigration: How, where, when, "a publication in 8 languages \u200b\u200bproduced to accompany the foreign national in its path of integration and to help in solving the everyday problems most often: the contract of employment to enroll the children in school, from licensing to 'Opening a bank account. A special section is devoted to the relevant safety in the workplace in order to foster knowledge and emphasize the importance of the use of protective equipment. The handbook, currently being reprinted, it will be also available on corporate website During the tour of contact, which will be preceded by a communication campaign to promote local initiative, there will be a contest that is giving away services and basic necessities for all participants.
The "football tournaments for Integration", organized in collaboration with the Uisp (Italian Union of Sport for All), will take place in 8 cities, significant from the point of view of the presence of foreign population: Rome, Milan, Turin, Venice, Mantua, Lecce, Modena and Prato. Every football tournament at 5 and will last a month and a half will see every seat in the participation of eight teams, each of 12 players. The formations "mixed" will consist of six Italians and six foreigners. Registration for the tournament and the technical material will be free. In each city the event will be preceded by meetings with local and foreign communities.
The campaign will be supported by a multimedia communication, designed to reach both the Italian and the immigrant population, divided into different media: television, print, radio, billboards and the Internet. The campaign will air on October 5.
The entire campaign will be launched September 26 in Lampedusa in the second edition of "The men of the next story," roundtable discussion on migration and on the value of integration between cultures, with the participation of various institutions and international non-governmental organizations. The appointment is part of the schedule of the Festival "O'sciĆ ", which was designed by the Foundation of the Maestro Claudio Baglioni, place in the Pelagie Islands September 24 to 27.

will start in October, the communication campaign on the integration of immigrants, sponsored by the Ministry of Labour, Health and Welfare.
The campaign aims to promote coexistence in our society between foreign citizens and Italian citizens through information and dissemination of the fundamental principles of the Constitution, the national legal system and social inclusion programs, which are essential for creating and sustaining an effective dialogue and intercultural awareness .
Increased awareness of rights and duties which they hold migrant citizens and a better knowledge of migration by Italian citizens will be promoted through initiatives of a specific integrated together: a tour of contact, football tournaments in five and an advertising campaign.
During the "tour of contact for Integration" specialized operators meet the immigrants in their home city (Rome, Turin, Milan, Brescia, Vicenza, Treviso, Bari and Palermo) and in their usual haunts to perform support activities and to distribute the brochure entitled "Immigration: How, where, when, "a publication in 8 languages \u200b\u200bproduced to accompany the foreign national in its path of integration and to help in solving the everyday problems most often: the contract of employment to enroll the children in school, from licensing to 'Opening a bank account. A special section is devoted to the relevant safety in the workplace in order to foster knowledge and emphasize the importance of the use of protective equipment. The handbook, currently being reprinted, it will be also available on corporate website During the tour of contact, which will be preceded by a communication campaign to promote local initiative, there will be a contest that is giving away services and basic necessities for all participants.
The "football tournaments for Integration", organized in collaboration with the Uisp (Italian Union of Sport for All), will take place in 8 cities, significant from the point of view of the presence of foreign population: Rome, Milan, Turin, Venice, Mantua, Lecce, Modena and Prato. Every football tournament at 5 and will last a month and a half will see every seat in the participation of eight teams, each of 12 players. The formations "mixed" will consist of six Italians and six foreigners. Registration for the tournament and the technical material will be free. In each city the event will be preceded by meetings with local and foreign communities.
The campaign will be supported by a multimedia communication, designed to reach both the Italian and the immigrant population, divided into different media: television, print, radio, billboards and the Internet. The campaign will air on October 5.
The entire campaign will be launched September 26 in Lampedusa in the second edition of "The men of the next story," roundtable discussion on migration and on the value of integration between cultures, with the participation of various institutions and international non-governmental organizations. The appointment is part of the schedule of the Festival "O'sciĆ ", which was designed by the Foundation of the Maestro Claudio Baglioni, place in the Pelagie Islands September 24 to 27.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Specialized Training For Marsoc
Electricity: social bonus, the way the application procedures
affect 5 million customers in terms of economic hardship - Up to 135 € to 'discount'
Al via the application procedures required for activation by the operators of the new social protection scheme that will ensure a saving of around 20% on their electricity bills to residential customers in terms of economic hardship. The value of the 'bonus' will differ depending on the size of the household (60 € / year for a family of 1-2 people, 78 € / year for 3-4 persons, 135 € / year for a number of persons 4). When fully operational, it is estimated that will benefit from the social compensation approximately 5 million customers uncomfortable, which will be allocated, in total some 384 million euro a year.
The system will be fully operational since January 2009 and provides that the enjoyment of the bonus can also be retroactive for 2008, for requests made before February 28, 2009 (ARG / elt 117/08, available at Over the next few weeks, the Authority, operators and municipalities make available detailed information for the submission of the request from customers to be admitted to the social bonus.
The bonus for disadvantaged households, who could ask will have access to social bonus, as determined by the Ministerial Decree of 28 December 2007, all households that have an ISEE, whose value is less than or equal to 7500 €. The ISEE is the equivalent economic situation indicator, which lets you measure the economic status of families, taking into account the income, property, real estate securities and the characteristics of size and type. E 'already widely used for accessing other social benefits, especially at local level. By way of example, a family comprising father, mother and two children, one income, rent and availability without additional capital, falls within the threshold of 7,500 ISEE with gross annual income to about € 23,400.
How to apply for the bonus Once activated the appropriate computer system to meet the requirements, which the Authority's resolution should be completed within 90 days, the customer can apply for home inconvenient access to the bonus by going to their city of residence and proof of value ISEE. The customer should also submit relevant information about its power supply (already available on each bill) and the abundance of the family over.
The question, after appropriate controls, may lead to the recognition of compensation for 12 months (unless renewed).
The reform of the domestic rate to recover about 384 million euro provision of necessary social bonus, is planning to introduce a new tariff component (referred to as As) that will be applied to the general user (home or otherwise), except for recipients of compensation.
The application of the bonus, however not lead to changes in the spending power of the household (with consumption of 2,700 kWh / year and 3 kW of power used). At the same time the introduction of the system of social protection, with the ARG / elt 117/08, the Authority has in fact ordered the revision of the tariff structure applies to most domestic customers. The new regime will apply from 1 January 2009 and includes some significant new developments.
In particular, thanks to some re-modulation system is in fact secured a further realignment of the fee to the real underlying costs, partially re-absorbing mechanisms of cross-subsidization, in the current tariff system.
The realignment will result in a decrease in spending a few percentage points for medium to high power consumption (2700-4800 kWh / year) of residence in the home, a situation that typically affects large families. At the same time, there will be an increase in consumer spending very high (above 5000 kWh / year) and low ones (such as single well-off).

affect 5 million customers in terms of economic hardship - Up to 135 € to 'discount'
Al via the application procedures required for activation by the operators of the new social protection scheme that will ensure a saving of around 20% on their electricity bills to residential customers in terms of economic hardship. The value of the 'bonus' will differ depending on the size of the household (60 € / year for a family of 1-2 people, 78 € / year for 3-4 persons, 135 € / year for a number of persons 4). When fully operational, it is estimated that will benefit from the social compensation approximately 5 million customers uncomfortable, which will be allocated, in total some 384 million euro a year.
The system will be fully operational since January 2009 and provides that the enjoyment of the bonus can also be retroactive for 2008, for requests made before February 28, 2009 (ARG / elt 117/08, available at Over the next few weeks, the Authority, operators and municipalities make available detailed information for the submission of the request from customers to be admitted to the social bonus.
The bonus for disadvantaged households, who could ask will have access to social bonus, as determined by the Ministerial Decree of 28 December 2007, all households that have an ISEE, whose value is less than or equal to 7500 €. The ISEE is the equivalent economic situation indicator, which lets you measure the economic status of families, taking into account the income, property, real estate securities and the characteristics of size and type. E 'already widely used for accessing other social benefits, especially at local level. By way of example, a family comprising father, mother and two children, one income, rent and availability without additional capital, falls within the threshold of 7,500 ISEE with gross annual income to about € 23,400.
How to apply for the bonus Once activated the appropriate computer system to meet the requirements, which the Authority's resolution should be completed within 90 days, the customer can apply for home inconvenient access to the bonus by going to their city of residence and proof of value ISEE. The customer should also submit relevant information about its power supply (already available on each bill) and the abundance of the family over.
The question, after appropriate controls, may lead to the recognition of compensation for 12 months (unless renewed).
The reform of the domestic rate to recover about 384 million euro provision of necessary social bonus, is planning to introduce a new tariff component (referred to as As) that will be applied to the general user (home or otherwise), except for recipients of compensation.
The application of the bonus, however not lead to changes in the spending power of the household (with consumption of 2,700 kWh / year and 3 kW of power used). At the same time the introduction of the system of social protection, with the ARG / elt 117/08, the Authority has in fact ordered the revision of the tariff structure applies to most domestic customers. The new regime will apply from 1 January 2009 and includes some significant new developments.
In particular, thanks to some re-modulation system is in fact secured a further realignment of the fee to the real underlying costs, partially re-absorbing mechanisms of cross-subsidization, in the current tariff system.
The realignment will result in a decrease in spending a few percentage points for medium to high power consumption (2700-4800 kWh / year) of residence in the home, a situation that typically affects large families. At the same time, there will be an increase in consumer spending very high (above 5000 kWh / year) and low ones (such as single well-off).
Specialized Training For Marsoc
Electricity: social bonus, the way the application procedures
affect 5 million customers in terms of economic hardship - Up to 135 € to 'discount'
Al via the application procedures required for activation by the operators of the new social protection scheme that will ensure a saving of around 20% on their electricity bills to residential customers in terms of economic hardship. The value of the 'bonus' will differ depending on the size of the household (60 € / year for a family of 1-2 people, 78 € / year for 3-4 persons, 135 € / year for a number of persons 4). When fully operational, it is estimated that will benefit from the social compensation approximately 5 million customers uncomfortable, which will be allocated, in total some 384 million euro a year.
The system will be fully operational since January 2009 and provides that the enjoyment of the bonus can also be retroactive for 2008, for requests made before February 28, 2009 (ARG / elt 117/08, available at Over the next few weeks, the Authority, operators and municipalities make available detailed information for the submission of the request from customers to be admitted to the social bonus.
The bonus for disadvantaged households, who could ask will have access to social bonus, as determined by the Ministerial Decree of 28 December 2007, all households that have an ISEE, whose value is less than or equal to 7500 €. The ISEE is the equivalent economic situation indicator, which lets you measure the economic status of families, taking into account the income, property, real estate securities and the characteristics of size and type. E 'already widely used for accessing other social benefits, especially at local level. By way of example, a family comprising father, mother and two children, one income, rent and availability without additional capital, falls within the threshold of 7,500 ISEE with gross annual income to about € 23,400.
How to apply for the bonus Once activated the appropriate computer system to meet the requirements, which the Authority's resolution should be completed within 90 days, the customer can apply for home inconvenient access to the bonus by going to their city of residence and proof of value ISEE. The customer should also submit relevant information about its power supply (already available on each bill) and the abundance of the family over.
The question, after appropriate controls, may lead to the recognition of compensation for 12 months (unless renewed).
The reform of the domestic rate to recover about 384 million euro provision of necessary social bonus, is planning to introduce a new tariff component (referred to as As) that will be applied to the general user (home or otherwise), except for recipients of compensation.
The application of the bonus, however not lead to changes in the spending power of the household (with consumption of 2,700 kWh / year and 3 kW of power used). At the same time the introduction of the system of social protection, with the ARG / elt 117/08, the Authority has in fact ordered the revision of the tariff structure applies to most domestic customers. The new regime will apply from 1 January 2009 and includes some significant new developments.
In particular, thanks to some re-modulation system is in fact secured a further realignment of the fee to the real underlying costs, partially re-absorbing mechanisms of cross-subsidization, in the current tariff system.
The realignment will result in a decrease in spending a few percentage points for medium to high power consumption (2700-4800 kWh / year) of residence in the home, a situation that typically affects large families. At the same time, there will be an increase in consumer spending very high (above 5000 kWh / year) and low ones (such as single well-off).

affect 5 million customers in terms of economic hardship - Up to 135 € to 'discount'
Al via the application procedures required for activation by the operators of the new social protection scheme that will ensure a saving of around 20% on their electricity bills to residential customers in terms of economic hardship. The value of the 'bonus' will differ depending on the size of the household (60 € / year for a family of 1-2 people, 78 € / year for 3-4 persons, 135 € / year for a number of persons 4). When fully operational, it is estimated that will benefit from the social compensation approximately 5 million customers uncomfortable, which will be allocated, in total some 384 million euro a year.
The system will be fully operational since January 2009 and provides that the enjoyment of the bonus can also be retroactive for 2008, for requests made before February 28, 2009 (ARG / elt 117/08, available at Over the next few weeks, the Authority, operators and municipalities make available detailed information for the submission of the request from customers to be admitted to the social bonus.
The bonus for disadvantaged households, who could ask will have access to social bonus, as determined by the Ministerial Decree of 28 December 2007, all households that have an ISEE, whose value is less than or equal to 7500 €. The ISEE is the equivalent economic situation indicator, which lets you measure the economic status of families, taking into account the income, property, real estate securities and the characteristics of size and type. E 'already widely used for accessing other social benefits, especially at local level. By way of example, a family comprising father, mother and two children, one income, rent and availability without additional capital, falls within the threshold of 7,500 ISEE with gross annual income to about € 23,400.
How to apply for the bonus Once activated the appropriate computer system to meet the requirements, which the Authority's resolution should be completed within 90 days, the customer can apply for home inconvenient access to the bonus by going to their city of residence and proof of value ISEE. The customer should also submit relevant information about its power supply (already available on each bill) and the abundance of the family over.
The question, after appropriate controls, may lead to the recognition of compensation for 12 months (unless renewed).
The reform of the domestic rate to recover about 384 million euro provision of necessary social bonus, is planning to introduce a new tariff component (referred to as As) that will be applied to the general user (home or otherwise), except for recipients of compensation.
The application of the bonus, however not lead to changes in the spending power of the household (with consumption of 2,700 kWh / year and 3 kW of power used). At the same time the introduction of the system of social protection, with the ARG / elt 117/08, the Authority has in fact ordered the revision of the tariff structure applies to most domestic customers. The new regime will apply from 1 January 2009 and includes some significant new developments.
In particular, thanks to some re-modulation system is in fact secured a further realignment of the fee to the real underlying costs, partially re-absorbing mechanisms of cross-subsidization, in the current tariff system.
The realignment will result in a decrease in spending a few percentage points for medium to high power consumption (2700-4800 kWh / year) of residence in the home, a situation that typically affects large families. At the same time, there will be an increase in consumer spending very high (above 5000 kWh / year) and low ones (such as single well-off).
Specialized Training For Marsoc
Electricity: social bonus, the way the application procedures
affect 5 million customers in terms of economic hardship - Up to 135 € to 'discount'
Al via the application procedures required for activation by the operators of the new social protection scheme that will ensure a saving of around 20% on their electricity bills to residential customers in terms of economic hardship. The value of the 'bonus' will differ depending on the size of the household (60 € / year for a family of 1-2 people, 78 € / year for 3-4 persons, 135 € / year for a number of persons 4). When fully operational, it is estimated that will benefit from the social compensation approximately 5 million customers uncomfortable, which will be allocated, in total some 384 million euro a year.
The system will be fully operational since January 2009 and provides that the enjoyment of the bonus can also be retroactive for 2008, for requests made before February 28, 2009 (ARG / elt 117/08, available at Over the next few weeks, the Authority, operators and municipalities make available detailed information for the submission of the request from customers to be admitted to the social bonus.
The bonus for disadvantaged households, who could ask will have access to social bonus, as determined by the Ministerial Decree of 28 December 2007, all households that have an ISEE, whose value is less than or equal to 7500 €. The ISEE is the equivalent economic situation indicator, which lets you measure the economic status of families, taking into account the income, property, real estate securities and the characteristics of size and type. E 'already widely used for accessing other social benefits, especially at local level. By way of example, a family comprising father, mother and two children, one income, rent and availability without additional capital, falls within the threshold of 7,500 ISEE with gross annual income to about € 23,400.
How to apply for the bonus Once activated the appropriate computer system to meet the requirements, which the Authority's resolution should be completed within 90 days, the customer can apply for home inconvenient access to the bonus by going to their city of residence and proof of value ISEE. The customer should also submit relevant information about its power supply (already available on each bill) and the abundance of the family over.
The question, after appropriate controls, may lead to the recognition of compensation for 12 months (unless renewed).
The reform of the domestic rate to recover about 384 million euro provision of necessary social bonus, is planning to introduce a new tariff component (referred to as As) that will be applied to the general user (home or otherwise), except for recipients of compensation.
The application of the bonus, however not lead to changes in the spending power of the household (with consumption of 2,700 kWh / year and 3 kW of power used). At the same time the introduction of the system of social protection, with the ARG / elt 117/08, the Authority has in fact ordered the revision of the tariff structure applies to most domestic customers. The new regime will apply from 1 January 2009 and includes some significant new developments.
In particular, thanks to some re-modulation system is in fact secured a further realignment of the fee to the real underlying costs, partially re-absorbing mechanisms of cross-subsidization, in the current tariff system.
The realignment will result in a decrease in spending a few percentage points for medium to high power consumption (2700-4800 kWh / year) of residence in the home, a situation that typically affects large families. At the same time, there will be an increase in consumer spending very high (above 5000 kWh / year) and low ones (such as single well-off).

affect 5 million customers in terms of economic hardship - Up to 135 € to 'discount'
Al via the application procedures required for activation by the operators of the new social protection scheme that will ensure a saving of around 20% on their electricity bills to residential customers in terms of economic hardship. The value of the 'bonus' will differ depending on the size of the household (60 € / year for a family of 1-2 people, 78 € / year for 3-4 persons, 135 € / year for a number of persons 4). When fully operational, it is estimated that will benefit from the social compensation approximately 5 million customers uncomfortable, which will be allocated, in total some 384 million euro a year.
The system will be fully operational since January 2009 and provides that the enjoyment of the bonus can also be retroactive for 2008, for requests made before February 28, 2009 (ARG / elt 117/08, available at Over the next few weeks, the Authority, operators and municipalities make available detailed information for the submission of the request from customers to be admitted to the social bonus.
The bonus for disadvantaged households, who could ask will have access to social bonus, as determined by the Ministerial Decree of 28 December 2007, all households that have an ISEE, whose value is less than or equal to 7500 €. The ISEE is the equivalent economic situation indicator, which lets you measure the economic status of families, taking into account the income, property, real estate securities and the characteristics of size and type. E 'already widely used for accessing other social benefits, especially at local level. By way of example, a family comprising father, mother and two children, one income, rent and availability without additional capital, falls within the threshold of 7,500 ISEE with gross annual income to about € 23,400.
How to apply for the bonus Once activated the appropriate computer system to meet the requirements, which the Authority's resolution should be completed within 90 days, the customer can apply for home inconvenient access to the bonus by going to their city of residence and proof of value ISEE. The customer should also submit relevant information about its power supply (already available on each bill) and the abundance of the family over.
The question, after appropriate controls, may lead to the recognition of compensation for 12 months (unless renewed).
The reform of the domestic rate to recover about 384 million euro provision of necessary social bonus, is planning to introduce a new tariff component (referred to as As) that will be applied to the general user (home or otherwise), except for recipients of compensation.
The application of the bonus, however not lead to changes in the spending power of the household (with consumption of 2,700 kWh / year and 3 kW of power used). At the same time the introduction of the system of social protection, with the ARG / elt 117/08, the Authority has in fact ordered the revision of the tariff structure applies to most domestic customers. The new regime will apply from 1 January 2009 and includes some significant new developments.
In particular, thanks to some re-modulation system is in fact secured a further realignment of the fee to the real underlying costs, partially re-absorbing mechanisms of cross-subsidization, in the current tariff system.
The realignment will result in a decrease in spending a few percentage points for medium to high power consumption (2700-4800 kWh / year) of residence in the home, a situation that typically affects large families. At the same time, there will be an increase in consumer spending very high (above 5000 kWh / year) and low ones (such as single well-off).
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Effects Of Putting Cocaine On Your Gums
The EU Commission has asked Italy to change some parts of the legislation already 'effect on safety. These include the provision that introduces the aggravating circumstance of illegal immigrants 'for immigrants who commit a crime, that is not' compatible with Community law
Brussels, September 17 (AP) - The European Commission has asked the Italian government to amend the decree that, last July, which amended Article .61 of the Penal Code, by adding the illegal residence among the aggravating circumstances in the case of crime, without any distinction and among non-nationals of other EU countries. He stated, in Brussels today, the spokesman for European Commissioner for Justice, Freedom and Security Jacques Barrot. According to the spokesman, Michele Cercone, Italy will have to "align" this legislation with Community law, which does not allow for differences in treatment between EU citizens, by any Member State originates.
In essence, Barrot dispute the fact that in Italy a national of another Member State which commits an offense if in a situation of illegally resident, can not enjoy the extenuating circumstances available to Italian citizens, and that his offense is deemed punishable of a more serious penalty.
The decree charged, published in the Official Gazette on July 25 last year, entered into force on the day. Yesterday, the Legal Service of the European Parliament issued an opinion in which the considers incompatible with EU law, and the Liberal MEP Adina Valean Romania has asked to intervene immediately to Barrot, Italy to the European Court of Justice. Barrot had previously expressed the same, and repeated yesterday, his doubts as to whether to consider the illegal residence of foreigners as an aggravating circumstance for those who commit a crime.
"There are at present - Cercone said in reply to a reporter during the press conference of the European Commission today - a series of ongoing discussions with the Italian government on all orders that were submitted on August 1. There are three decrees have not yet entered into force and for which we are in contact with the authorities Italian and we have clearly indicated what we believe the changes to be introduced to ensure that these decrees are in line with Community law ".
to a further question asking for a more specific answer on the decree in question, pointing out which is already in force, the spokesman replied: "Barrot wants and considers it its duty to ensure that the laws of the Member States are implementing European directives, and want to have a clear law, consolidation, compatible with Community law. In the specific case - has finally clarified Cercone - ask and it is clear that we have asked the Italian government to introduce the necessary changes, and we will do everything in our power and our skills to be dark Italian laws remain in line with EU law ".
addition to the three orders not yet in application, the spokesman said," there are also changes that we asked for a piece of legislation that is already in place, and that there has been notified, but on which we went into action and we have reviewed. And it also takes care of this part of the legislation to bring it into line with Community law. We have already made it clear to chiarmente govermo Italian - said Cercone - that there are any changes to these approtare legislation is actually in line with Community law. "
sources said the Commission's ongoing contacts between Brussels and the Italian authorities predict that the government will soon amend the decree in the manner requested by Barrot. It is unclear whether the aggravating circumstance of the offense, at this point, would be eliminated altogether or whether, as seems more likely, would be "pardoned" the only EU citizens (according to the specific request of Brussels). In this case, the discrimination of moving to another level, no longer a core competence of the EU Court of Justice and the European Commission.

The EU Commission has asked Italy to change some parts of the legislation already 'effect on safety. These include the provision that introduces the aggravating circumstance of illegal immigrants 'for immigrants who commit a crime, that is not' compatible with Community law
Brussels, September 17 (AP) - The European Commission has asked the Italian government to amend the decree that, last July, which amended Article .61 of the Penal Code, by adding the illegal residence among the aggravating circumstances in the case of crime, without any distinction and among non-nationals of other EU countries. He stated, in Brussels today, the spokesman for European Commissioner for Justice, Freedom and Security Jacques Barrot. According to the spokesman, Michele Cercone, Italy will have to "align" this legislation with Community law, which does not allow for differences in treatment between EU citizens, by any Member State originates.
In essence, Barrot dispute the fact that in Italy a national of another Member State which commits an offense if in a situation of illegally resident, can not enjoy the extenuating circumstances available to Italian citizens, and that his offense is deemed punishable of a more serious penalty.
The decree charged, published in the Official Gazette on July 25 last year, entered into force on the day. Yesterday, the Legal Service of the European Parliament issued an opinion in which the considers incompatible with EU law, and the Liberal MEP Adina Valean Romania has asked to intervene immediately to Barrot, Italy to the European Court of Justice. Barrot had previously expressed the same, and repeated yesterday, his doubts as to whether to consider the illegal residence of foreigners as an aggravating circumstance for those who commit a crime.
"There are at present - Cercone said in reply to a reporter during the press conference of the European Commission today - a series of ongoing discussions with the Italian government on all orders that were submitted on August 1. There are three decrees have not yet entered into force and for which we are in contact with the authorities Italian and we have clearly indicated what we believe the changes to be introduced to ensure that these decrees are in line with Community law ".
to a further question asking for a more specific answer on the decree in question, pointing out which is already in force, the spokesman replied: "Barrot wants and considers it its duty to ensure that the laws of the Member States are implementing European directives, and want to have a clear law, consolidation, compatible with Community law. In the specific case - has finally clarified Cercone - ask and it is clear that we have asked the Italian government to introduce the necessary changes, and we will do everything in our power and our skills to be dark Italian laws remain in line with EU law ".
addition to the three orders not yet in application, the spokesman said," there are also changes that we asked for a piece of legislation that is already in place, and that there has been notified, but on which we went into action and we have reviewed. And it also takes care of this part of the legislation to bring it into line with Community law. We have already made it clear to chiarmente govermo Italian - said Cercone - that there are any changes to these approtare legislation is actually in line with Community law. "
sources said the Commission's ongoing contacts between Brussels and the Italian authorities predict that the government will soon amend the decree in the manner requested by Barrot. It is unclear whether the aggravating circumstance of the offense, at this point, would be eliminated altogether or whether, as seems more likely, would be "pardoned" the only EU citizens (according to the specific request of Brussels). In this case, the discrimination of moving to another level, no longer a core competence of the EU Court of Justice and the European Commission.
Effects Of Putting Cocaine On Your Gums
The EU Commission has asked Italy to change some parts of the legislation already 'effect on safety. These include the provision that introduces the aggravating circumstance of illegal immigrants 'for immigrants who commit a crime, that is not' compatible with Community law
Brussels, September 17 (AP) - The European Commission has asked the Italian government to amend the decree that, last July, which amended Article .61 of the Penal Code, by adding the illegal residence among the aggravating circumstances in the case of crime, without any distinction and among non-nationals of other EU countries. He stated, in Brussels today, the spokesman for European Commissioner for Justice, Freedom and Security Jacques Barrot. According to the spokesman, Michele Cercone, Italy will have to "align" this legislation with Community law, which does not allow for differences in treatment between EU citizens, by any Member State originates.
In essence, Barrot dispute the fact that in Italy a national of another Member State which commits an offense if in a situation of illegally resident, can not enjoy the extenuating circumstances available to Italian citizens, and that his offense is deemed punishable of a more serious penalty.
The decree charged, published in the Official Gazette on July 25 last year, entered into force on the day. Yesterday, the Legal Service of the European Parliament issued an opinion in which the considers incompatible with EU law, and the Liberal MEP Adina Valean Romania has asked to intervene immediately to Barrot, Italy to the European Court of Justice. Barrot had previously expressed the same, and repeated yesterday, his doubts as to whether to consider the illegal residence of foreigners as an aggravating circumstance for those who commit a crime.
"There are at present - Cercone said in reply to a reporter during the press conference of the European Commission today - a series of ongoing discussions with the Italian government on all orders that were submitted on August 1. There are three decrees have not yet entered into force and for which we are in contact with the authorities Italian and we have clearly indicated what we believe the changes to be introduced to ensure that these decrees are in line with Community law ".
to a further question asking for a more specific answer on the decree in question, pointing out which is already in force, the spokesman replied: "Barrot wants and considers it its duty to ensure that the laws of the Member States are implementing European directives, and want to have a clear law, consolidation, compatible with Community law. In the specific case - has finally clarified Cercone - ask and it is clear that we have asked the Italian government to introduce the necessary changes, and we will do everything in our power and our skills to be dark Italian laws remain in line with EU law ".
addition to the three orders not yet in application, the spokesman said," there are also changes that we asked for a piece of legislation that is already in place, and that there has been notified, but on which we went into action and we have reviewed. And it also takes care of this part of the legislation to bring it into line with Community law. We have already made it clear to chiarmente govermo Italian - said Cercone - that there are any changes to these approtare legislation is actually in line with Community law. "
sources said the Commission's ongoing contacts between Brussels and the Italian authorities predict that the government will soon amend the decree in the manner requested by Barrot. It is unclear whether the aggravating circumstance of the offense, at this point, would be eliminated altogether or whether, as seems more likely, would be "pardoned" the only EU citizens (according to the specific request of Brussels). In this case, the discrimination of moving to another level, no longer a core competence of the EU Court of Justice and the European Commission.

The EU Commission has asked Italy to change some parts of the legislation already 'effect on safety. These include the provision that introduces the aggravating circumstance of illegal immigrants 'for immigrants who commit a crime, that is not' compatible with Community law
Brussels, September 17 (AP) - The European Commission has asked the Italian government to amend the decree that, last July, which amended Article .61 of the Penal Code, by adding the illegal residence among the aggravating circumstances in the case of crime, without any distinction and among non-nationals of other EU countries. He stated, in Brussels today, the spokesman for European Commissioner for Justice, Freedom and Security Jacques Barrot. According to the spokesman, Michele Cercone, Italy will have to "align" this legislation with Community law, which does not allow for differences in treatment between EU citizens, by any Member State originates.
In essence, Barrot dispute the fact that in Italy a national of another Member State which commits an offense if in a situation of illegally resident, can not enjoy the extenuating circumstances available to Italian citizens, and that his offense is deemed punishable of a more serious penalty.
The decree charged, published in the Official Gazette on July 25 last year, entered into force on the day. Yesterday, the Legal Service of the European Parliament issued an opinion in which the considers incompatible with EU law, and the Liberal MEP Adina Valean Romania has asked to intervene immediately to Barrot, Italy to the European Court of Justice. Barrot had previously expressed the same, and repeated yesterday, his doubts as to whether to consider the illegal residence of foreigners as an aggravating circumstance for those who commit a crime.
"There are at present - Cercone said in reply to a reporter during the press conference of the European Commission today - a series of ongoing discussions with the Italian government on all orders that were submitted on August 1. There are three decrees have not yet entered into force and for which we are in contact with the authorities Italian and we have clearly indicated what we believe the changes to be introduced to ensure that these decrees are in line with Community law ".
to a further question asking for a more specific answer on the decree in question, pointing out which is already in force, the spokesman replied: "Barrot wants and considers it its duty to ensure that the laws of the Member States are implementing European directives, and want to have a clear law, consolidation, compatible with Community law. In the specific case - has finally clarified Cercone - ask and it is clear that we have asked the Italian government to introduce the necessary changes, and we will do everything in our power and our skills to be dark Italian laws remain in line with EU law ".
addition to the three orders not yet in application, the spokesman said," there are also changes that we asked for a piece of legislation that is already in place, and that there has been notified, but on which we went into action and we have reviewed. And it also takes care of this part of the legislation to bring it into line with Community law. We have already made it clear to chiarmente govermo Italian - said Cercone - that there are any changes to these approtare legislation is actually in line with Community law. "
sources said the Commission's ongoing contacts between Brussels and the Italian authorities predict that the government will soon amend the decree in the manner requested by Barrot. It is unclear whether the aggravating circumstance of the offense, at this point, would be eliminated altogether or whether, as seems more likely, would be "pardoned" the only EU citizens (according to the specific request of Brussels). In this case, the discrimination of moving to another level, no longer a core competence of the EU Court of Justice and the European Commission.
Effects Of Putting Cocaine On Your Gums
The EU Commission has asked Italy to change some parts of the legislation already 'effect on safety. These include the provision that introduces the aggravating circumstance of illegal immigrants 'for immigrants who commit a crime, that is not' compatible with Community law
Brussels, September 17 (AP) - The European Commission has asked the Italian government to amend the decree that, last July, which amended Article .61 of the Penal Code, by adding the illegal residence among the aggravating circumstances in the case of crime, without any distinction and among non-nationals of other EU countries. He stated, in Brussels today, the spokesman for European Commissioner for Justice, Freedom and Security Jacques Barrot. According to the spokesman, Michele Cercone, Italy will have to "align" this legislation with Community law, which does not allow for differences in treatment between EU citizens, by any Member State originates.
In essence, Barrot dispute the fact that in Italy a national of another Member State which commits an offense if in a situation of illegally resident, can not enjoy the extenuating circumstances available to Italian citizens, and that his offense is deemed punishable of a more serious penalty.
The decree charged, published in the Official Gazette on July 25 last year, entered into force on the day. Yesterday, the Legal Service of the European Parliament issued an opinion in which the considers incompatible with EU law, and the Liberal MEP Adina Valean Romania has asked to intervene immediately to Barrot, Italy to the European Court of Justice. Barrot had previously expressed the same, and repeated yesterday, his doubts as to whether to consider the illegal residence of foreigners as an aggravating circumstance for those who commit a crime.
"There are at present - Cercone said in reply to a reporter during the press conference of the European Commission today - a series of ongoing discussions with the Italian government on all orders that were submitted on August 1. There are three decrees have not yet entered into force and for which we are in contact with the authorities Italian and we have clearly indicated what we believe the changes to be introduced to ensure that these decrees are in line with Community law ".
to a further question asking for a more specific answer on the decree in question, pointing out which is already in force, the spokesman replied: "Barrot wants and considers it its duty to ensure that the laws of the Member States are implementing European directives, and want to have a clear law, consolidation, compatible with Community law. In the specific case - has finally clarified Cercone - ask and it is clear that we have asked the Italian government to introduce the necessary changes, and we will do everything in our power and our skills to be dark Italian laws remain in line with EU law ".
addition to the three orders not yet in application, the spokesman said," there are also changes that we asked for a piece of legislation that is already in place, and that there has been notified, but on which we went into action and we have reviewed. And it also takes care of this part of the legislation to bring it into line with Community law. We have already made it clear to chiarmente govermo Italian - said Cercone - that there are any changes to these approtare legislation is actually in line with Community law. "
sources said the Commission's ongoing contacts between Brussels and the Italian authorities predict that the government will soon amend the decree in the manner requested by Barrot. It is unclear whether the aggravating circumstance of the offense, at this point, would be eliminated altogether or whether, as seems more likely, would be "pardoned" the only EU citizens (according to the specific request of Brussels). In this case, the discrimination of moving to another level, no longer a core competence of the EU Court of Justice and the European Commission.

The EU Commission has asked Italy to change some parts of the legislation already 'effect on safety. These include the provision that introduces the aggravating circumstance of illegal immigrants 'for immigrants who commit a crime, that is not' compatible with Community law
Brussels, September 17 (AP) - The European Commission has asked the Italian government to amend the decree that, last July, which amended Article .61 of the Penal Code, by adding the illegal residence among the aggravating circumstances in the case of crime, without any distinction and among non-nationals of other EU countries. He stated, in Brussels today, the spokesman for European Commissioner for Justice, Freedom and Security Jacques Barrot. According to the spokesman, Michele Cercone, Italy will have to "align" this legislation with Community law, which does not allow for differences in treatment between EU citizens, by any Member State originates.
In essence, Barrot dispute the fact that in Italy a national of another Member State which commits an offense if in a situation of illegally resident, can not enjoy the extenuating circumstances available to Italian citizens, and that his offense is deemed punishable of a more serious penalty.
The decree charged, published in the Official Gazette on July 25 last year, entered into force on the day. Yesterday, the Legal Service of the European Parliament issued an opinion in which the considers incompatible with EU law, and the Liberal MEP Adina Valean Romania has asked to intervene immediately to Barrot, Italy to the European Court of Justice. Barrot had previously expressed the same, and repeated yesterday, his doubts as to whether to consider the illegal residence of foreigners as an aggravating circumstance for those who commit a crime.
"There are at present - Cercone said in reply to a reporter during the press conference of the European Commission today - a series of ongoing discussions with the Italian government on all orders that were submitted on August 1. There are three decrees have not yet entered into force and for which we are in contact with the authorities Italian and we have clearly indicated what we believe the changes to be introduced to ensure that these decrees are in line with Community law ".
to a further question asking for a more specific answer on the decree in question, pointing out which is already in force, the spokesman replied: "Barrot wants and considers it its duty to ensure that the laws of the Member States are implementing European directives, and want to have a clear law, consolidation, compatible with Community law. In the specific case - has finally clarified Cercone - ask and it is clear that we have asked the Italian government to introduce the necessary changes, and we will do everything in our power and our skills to be dark Italian laws remain in line with EU law ".
addition to the three orders not yet in application, the spokesman said," there are also changes that we asked for a piece of legislation that is already in place, and that there has been notified, but on which we went into action and we have reviewed. And it also takes care of this part of the legislation to bring it into line with Community law. We have already made it clear to chiarmente govermo Italian - said Cercone - that there are any changes to these approtare legislation is actually in line with Community law. "
sources said the Commission's ongoing contacts between Brussels and the Italian authorities predict that the government will soon amend the decree in the manner requested by Barrot. It is unclear whether the aggravating circumstance of the offense, at this point, would be eliminated altogether or whether, as seems more likely, would be "pardoned" the only EU citizens (according to the specific request of Brussels). In this case, the discrimination of moving to another level, no longer a core competence of the EU Court of Justice and the European Commission.
Monday, September 15, 2008
What Does Your Cm Look Like Before Your Period?
Opens Consulate in Cosenza for the Romanians in Italy
After more than two years, will be active this month, the three new consulates in Bologna, Cosenza and Trieste. The Rumanian Government gave the green light to the appointment of three career diplomats at the helm of the three representations.
Useful for Romanians living in Italy. After a long process more than two years, the Bucharest authorities will activate this month three new consulates in Bologna, Cosenza, and Trieste. The Rumanian Government gave the green light to the appointment of three career diplomats at the helm of new diplomatic missions: Dan Eugen Pineta, former director of the Roma in Romania becomes console in Bologna, Cosenza, and finally to Liţiu Petre Octavian Radu Dobre in Trieste.
The government has appointed a new consul in Turin, after the former head of the mission had come into conflict with the Rumanian Minister of Labour who accused him of failing to better organize the last "job exchange" for immigrants Romanians who want to return home. The new console, Julia Buje, comes straight from Lyon, where he directed the Consulate General in Romania, and has a long diplomatic experience in Italy, having already held the post of consul general in Milan between 1998 and 2002. The opening of the three consulates Romania aims to strengthen the network of consulates-general (Milan, Rome, Turin) and the five honorary consulates (Florence, Asolo Treviso, Genoa, Trento, Bari), but also bilateral relations between Italy - Romania.
The appointment of the new console is a few days after the first joint summit of the Italian and Rumanian, which will be held on 9 October in Rome. "At the same time - announced Ovidiu Silaghi, Minister of Romania for small and medium enterprises during her first meeting with Mario Cospito in Bucharest, the new Italian Ambassador in Romania - Romania will launch the government in Rome, Milan and Turin, a new campaign to promote Romania's image. "
"All this - added Silaghi - because, although in Romania there are 26,400 Italian-owned enterprises and 327 weekly flights to Italy, many Italians do not know the business potential, tourism and cultural Romania."

After more than two years, will be active this month, the three new consulates in Bologna, Cosenza and Trieste. The Rumanian Government gave the green light to the appointment of three career diplomats at the helm of the three representations.
Useful for Romanians living in Italy. After a long process more than two years, the Bucharest authorities will activate this month three new consulates in Bologna, Cosenza, and Trieste. The Rumanian Government gave the green light to the appointment of three career diplomats at the helm of new diplomatic missions: Dan Eugen Pineta, former director of the Roma in Romania becomes console in Bologna, Cosenza, and finally to Liţiu Petre Octavian Radu Dobre in Trieste.
The government has appointed a new consul in Turin, after the former head of the mission had come into conflict with the Rumanian Minister of Labour who accused him of failing to better organize the last "job exchange" for immigrants Romanians who want to return home. The new console, Julia Buje, comes straight from Lyon, where he directed the Consulate General in Romania, and has a long diplomatic experience in Italy, having already held the post of consul general in Milan between 1998 and 2002. The opening of the three consulates Romania aims to strengthen the network of consulates-general (Milan, Rome, Turin) and the five honorary consulates (Florence, Asolo Treviso, Genoa, Trento, Bari), but also bilateral relations between Italy - Romania.
The appointment of the new console is a few days after the first joint summit of the Italian and Rumanian, which will be held on 9 October in Rome. "At the same time - announced Ovidiu Silaghi, Minister of Romania for small and medium enterprises during her first meeting with Mario Cospito in Bucharest, the new Italian Ambassador in Romania - Romania will launch the government in Rome, Milan and Turin, a new campaign to promote Romania's image. "
"All this - added Silaghi - because, although in Romania there are 26,400 Italian-owned enterprises and 327 weekly flights to Italy, many Italians do not know the business potential, tourism and cultural Romania."
What Does Your Cm Look Like Before Your Period?
Opens Consulate in Cosenza for the Romanians in Italy
After more than two years, will be active this month, the three new consulates in Bologna, Cosenza and Trieste. The Rumanian Government gave the green light to the appointment of three career diplomats at the helm of the three representations.
Useful for Romanians living in Italy. After a long process more than two years, the Bucharest authorities will activate this month three new consulates in Bologna, Cosenza, and Trieste. The Rumanian Government gave the green light to the appointment of three career diplomats at the helm of new diplomatic missions: Dan Eugen Pineta, former director of the Roma in Romania becomes console in Bologna, Cosenza, and finally to Liţiu Petre Octavian Radu Dobre in Trieste.
The government has appointed a new consul in Turin, after the former head of the mission had come into conflict with the Rumanian Minister of Labour who accused him of failing to better organize the last "job exchange" for immigrants Romanians who want to return home. The new console, Julia Buje, comes straight from Lyon, where he directed the Consulate General in Romania, and has a long diplomatic experience in Italy, having already held the post of consul general in Milan between 1998 and 2002. The opening of the three consulates Romania aims to strengthen the network of consulates-general (Milan, Rome, Turin) and the five honorary consulates (Florence, Asolo Treviso, Genoa, Trento, Bari), but also bilateral relations between Italy - Romania.
The appointment of the new console is a few days after the first joint summit of the Italian and Rumanian, which will be held on 9 October in Rome. "At the same time - announced Ovidiu Silaghi, Minister of Romania for small and medium enterprises during her first meeting with Mario Cospito in Bucharest, the new Italian Ambassador in Romania - Romania will launch the government in Rome, Milan and Turin, a new campaign to promote Romania's image. "
"All this - added Silaghi - because, although in Romania there are 26,400 Italian-owned enterprises and 327 weekly flights to Italy, many Italians do not know the business potential, tourism and cultural Romania."

After more than two years, will be active this month, the three new consulates in Bologna, Cosenza and Trieste. The Rumanian Government gave the green light to the appointment of three career diplomats at the helm of the three representations.
Useful for Romanians living in Italy. After a long process more than two years, the Bucharest authorities will activate this month three new consulates in Bologna, Cosenza, and Trieste. The Rumanian Government gave the green light to the appointment of three career diplomats at the helm of new diplomatic missions: Dan Eugen Pineta, former director of the Roma in Romania becomes console in Bologna, Cosenza, and finally to Liţiu Petre Octavian Radu Dobre in Trieste.
The government has appointed a new consul in Turin, after the former head of the mission had come into conflict with the Rumanian Minister of Labour who accused him of failing to better organize the last "job exchange" for immigrants Romanians who want to return home. The new console, Julia Buje, comes straight from Lyon, where he directed the Consulate General in Romania, and has a long diplomatic experience in Italy, having already held the post of consul general in Milan between 1998 and 2002. The opening of the three consulates Romania aims to strengthen the network of consulates-general (Milan, Rome, Turin) and the five honorary consulates (Florence, Asolo Treviso, Genoa, Trento, Bari), but also bilateral relations between Italy - Romania.
The appointment of the new console is a few days after the first joint summit of the Italian and Rumanian, which will be held on 9 October in Rome. "At the same time - announced Ovidiu Silaghi, Minister of Romania for small and medium enterprises during her first meeting with Mario Cospito in Bucharest, the new Italian Ambassador in Romania - Romania will launch the government in Rome, Milan and Turin, a new campaign to promote Romania's image. "
"All this - added Silaghi - because, although in Romania there are 26,400 Italian-owned enterprises and 327 weekly flights to Italy, many Italians do not know the business potential, tourism and cultural Romania."
What Does Your Cm Look Like Before Your Period?
Opens Consulate in Cosenza for the Romanians in Italy
After more than two years, will be active this month, the three new consulates in Bologna, Cosenza and Trieste. The Rumanian Government gave the green light to the appointment of three career diplomats at the helm of the three representations.
Useful for Romanians living in Italy. After a long process more than two years, the Bucharest authorities will activate this month three new consulates in Bologna, Cosenza, and Trieste. The Rumanian Government gave the green light to the appointment of three career diplomats at the helm of new diplomatic missions: Dan Eugen Pineta, former director of the Roma in Romania becomes console in Bologna, Cosenza, and finally to Liţiu Petre Octavian Radu Dobre in Trieste.
The government has appointed a new consul in Turin, after the former head of the mission had come into conflict with the Rumanian Minister of Labour who accused him of failing to better organize the last "job exchange" for immigrants Romanians who want to return home. The new console, Julia Buje, comes straight from Lyon, where he directed the Consulate General in Romania, and has a long diplomatic experience in Italy, having already held the post of consul general in Milan between 1998 and 2002. The opening of the three consulates Romania aims to strengthen the network of consulates-general (Milan, Rome, Turin) and the five honorary consulates (Florence, Asolo Treviso, Genoa, Trento, Bari), but also bilateral relations between Italy - Romania.
The appointment of the new console is a few days after the first joint summit of the Italian and Rumanian, which will be held on 9 October in Rome. "At the same time - announced Ovidiu Silaghi, Minister of Romania for small and medium enterprises during her first meeting with Mario Cospito in Bucharest, the new Italian Ambassador in Romania - Romania will launch the government in Rome, Milan and Turin, a new campaign to promote Romania's image. "
"All this - added Silaghi - because, although in Romania there are 26,400 Italian-owned enterprises and 327 weekly flights to Italy, many Italians do not know the business potential, tourism and cultural Romania."

After more than two years, will be active this month, the three new consulates in Bologna, Cosenza and Trieste. The Rumanian Government gave the green light to the appointment of three career diplomats at the helm of the three representations.
Useful for Romanians living in Italy. After a long process more than two years, the Bucharest authorities will activate this month three new consulates in Bologna, Cosenza, and Trieste. The Rumanian Government gave the green light to the appointment of three career diplomats at the helm of new diplomatic missions: Dan Eugen Pineta, former director of the Roma in Romania becomes console in Bologna, Cosenza, and finally to Liţiu Petre Octavian Radu Dobre in Trieste.
The government has appointed a new consul in Turin, after the former head of the mission had come into conflict with the Rumanian Minister of Labour who accused him of failing to better organize the last "job exchange" for immigrants Romanians who want to return home. The new console, Julia Buje, comes straight from Lyon, where he directed the Consulate General in Romania, and has a long diplomatic experience in Italy, having already held the post of consul general in Milan between 1998 and 2002. The opening of the three consulates Romania aims to strengthen the network of consulates-general (Milan, Rome, Turin) and the five honorary consulates (Florence, Asolo Treviso, Genoa, Trento, Bari), but also bilateral relations between Italy - Romania.
The appointment of the new console is a few days after the first joint summit of the Italian and Rumanian, which will be held on 9 October in Rome. "At the same time - announced Ovidiu Silaghi, Minister of Romania for small and medium enterprises during her first meeting with Mario Cospito in Bucharest, the new Italian Ambassador in Romania - Romania will launch the government in Rome, Milan and Turin, a new campaign to promote Romania's image. "
"All this - added Silaghi - because, although in Romania there are 26,400 Italian-owned enterprises and 327 weekly flights to Italy, many Italians do not know the business potential, tourism and cultural Romania."
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flows. Patrons: "To accept all applications"
Rome - September 10, 2008 - Welcoming all his applications and finding a better system for the next race at odds.
is the only way out of the Empire of the flows into and heal the gap between the sum (the majority) and saved the day click. Especially now that has been called into question the fairness of the rankings.
To invoke this solution are the patrons of Ce.Pa., an acronym that combines ACLI, INAS-CISL, Inca-CGIL, Ital-Uil. Through their doors in December last matches are hundreds of thousands of job applications, but it is these cumulative shipments were slowed by blocks of computer system similar to that reported in Milan.
"We immediately reported the problems, which obviously take a back seat facing the overwhelming difference between the applications, and availability. Now we follow closely the outcome of the appeal, the consequences could be very serious, "said Henry in Moroni, the national coordinator of the Inca and Immigration Officer, who currently chairs the patronage Ce.Pa.
The risk is that, even after other appeals, one that's triggered Moroni calls "a war between the poor, like, put someone on the list, but cast out of someone else. "So in the end to make the costs of this situation would still be employed and who has called them, the solution should be rather general. "
So here is the way out: "A new decree that allows you to accept his applications if they have the requirements to complete the recruitment. We must then sit around a table, says the representative of the Inca - and solve the technical problems which are still holding the examinations. In addition, because the rankings in many provinces have not been published yet? ".
The root node is still the system by which the inputs are assigned. "This lottery that rewards only those who get there first is unacceptable," he insists Moroni. "The patrons - remember - have offered assistance free under a protocol with the Interior Ministry have prevented files to the prefectures and in the end were even penalized. Virtually horned and bouquets ... "
Rome - September 10, 2008 - Welcoming all his applications and finding a better system for the next race at odds.
is the only way out of the Empire of the flows into and heal the gap between the sum (the majority) and saved the day click. Especially now that has been called into question the fairness of the rankings.
To invoke this solution are the patrons of Ce.Pa., an acronym that combines ACLI, INAS-CISL, Inca-CGIL, Ital-Uil. Through their doors in December last matches are hundreds of thousands of job applications, but it is these cumulative shipments were slowed by blocks of computer system similar to that reported in Milan.
"We immediately reported the problems, which obviously take a back seat facing the overwhelming difference between the applications, and availability. Now we follow closely the outcome of the appeal, the consequences could be very serious, "said Henry in Moroni, the national coordinator of the Inca and Immigration Officer, who currently chairs the patronage Ce.Pa.
The risk is that, even after other appeals, one that's triggered Moroni calls "a war between the poor, like, put someone on the list, but cast out of someone else. "So in the end to make the costs of this situation would still be employed and who has called them, the solution should be rather general. "
So here is the way out: "A new decree that allows you to accept his applications if they have the requirements to complete the recruitment. We must then sit around a table, says the representative of the Inca - and solve the technical problems which are still holding the examinations. In addition, because the rankings in many provinces have not been published yet? ".
The root node is still the system by which the inputs are assigned. "This lottery that rewards only those who get there first is unacceptable," he insists Moroni. "The patrons - remember - have offered assistance free under a protocol with the Interior Ministry have prevented files to the prefectures and in the end were even penalized. Virtually horned and bouquets ... "
Nutritional Value Of Chicken Chow Mein Takeaway
flows. Patrons: "To accept all applications"
Rome - September 10, 2008 - Welcoming all his applications and finding a better system for the next race at odds.
is the only way out of the Empire of the flows into and heal the gap between the sum (the majority) and saved the day click. Especially now that has been called into question the fairness of the rankings.
To invoke this solution are the patrons of Ce.Pa., an acronym that combines ACLI, INAS-CISL, Inca-CGIL, Ital-Uil. Through their doors in December last matches are hundreds of thousands of job applications, but it is these cumulative shipments were slowed by blocks of computer system similar to that reported in Milan.
"We immediately reported the problems, which obviously take a back seat facing the overwhelming difference between the applications, and availability. Now we follow closely the outcome of the appeal, the consequences could be very serious, "said Henry in Moroni, the national coordinator of the Inca and Immigration Officer, who currently chairs the patronage Ce.Pa.
The risk is that, even after other appeals, one that's triggered Moroni calls "a war between the poor, like, put someone on the list, but cast out of someone else. "So in the end to make the costs of this situation would still be employed and who has called them, the solution should be rather general. "
So here is the way out: "A new decree that allows you to accept his applications if they have the requirements to complete the recruitment. We must then sit around a table, says the representative of the Inca - and solve the technical problems which are still holding the examinations. In addition, because the rankings in many provinces have not been published yet? ".
The root node is still the system by which the inputs are assigned. "This lottery that rewards only those who get there first is unacceptable," he insists Moroni. "The patrons - remember - have offered assistance free under a protocol with the Interior Ministry have prevented files to the prefectures and in the end were even penalized. Virtually horned and bouquets ... "
Rome - September 10, 2008 - Welcoming all his applications and finding a better system for the next race at odds.
is the only way out of the Empire of the flows into and heal the gap between the sum (the majority) and saved the day click. Especially now that has been called into question the fairness of the rankings.
To invoke this solution are the patrons of Ce.Pa., an acronym that combines ACLI, INAS-CISL, Inca-CGIL, Ital-Uil. Through their doors in December last matches are hundreds of thousands of job applications, but it is these cumulative shipments were slowed by blocks of computer system similar to that reported in Milan.
"We immediately reported the problems, which obviously take a back seat facing the overwhelming difference between the applications, and availability. Now we follow closely the outcome of the appeal, the consequences could be very serious, "said Henry in Moroni, the national coordinator of the Inca and Immigration Officer, who currently chairs the patronage Ce.Pa.
The risk is that, even after other appeals, one that's triggered Moroni calls "a war between the poor, like, put someone on the list, but cast out of someone else. "So in the end to make the costs of this situation would still be employed and who has called them, the solution should be rather general. "
So here is the way out: "A new decree that allows you to accept his applications if they have the requirements to complete the recruitment. We must then sit around a table, says the representative of the Inca - and solve the technical problems which are still holding the examinations. In addition, because the rankings in many provinces have not been published yet? ".
The root node is still the system by which the inputs are assigned. "This lottery that rewards only those who get there first is unacceptable," he insists Moroni. "The patrons - remember - have offered assistance free under a protocol with the Interior Ministry have prevented files to the prefectures and in the end were even penalized. Virtually horned and bouquets ... "
Nutritional Value Of Chicken Chow Mein Takeaway
flows. Patrons: "To accept all applications"
Rome - September 10, 2008 - Welcoming all his applications and finding a better system for the next race at odds.
is the only way out of the Empire of the flows into and heal the gap between the sum (the majority) and saved the day click. Especially now that has been called into question the fairness of the rankings.
To invoke this solution are the patrons of Ce.Pa., an acronym that combines ACLI, INAS-CISL, Inca-CGIL, Ital-Uil. Through their doors in December last matches are hundreds of thousands of job applications, but it is these cumulative shipments were slowed by blocks of computer system similar to that reported in Milan.
"We immediately reported the problems, which obviously take a back seat facing the overwhelming difference between the applications, and availability. Now we follow closely the outcome of the appeal, the consequences could be very serious, "said Henry in Moroni, the national coordinator of the Inca and Immigration Officer, who currently chairs the patronage Ce.Pa.
The risk is that, even after other appeals, one that's triggered Moroni calls "a war between the poor, like, put someone on the list, but cast out of someone else. "So in the end to make the costs of this situation would still be employed and who has called them, the solution should be rather general. "
So here is the way out: "A new decree that allows you to accept his applications if they have the requirements to complete the recruitment. We must then sit around a table, says the representative of the Inca - and solve the technical problems which are still holding the examinations. In addition, because the rankings in many provinces have not been published yet? ".
The root node is still the system by which the inputs are assigned. "This lottery that rewards only those who get there first is unacceptable," he insists Moroni. "The patrons - remember - have offered assistance free under a protocol with the Interior Ministry have prevented files to the prefectures and in the end were even penalized. Virtually horned and bouquets ... "
Rome - September 10, 2008 - Welcoming all his applications and finding a better system for the next race at odds.
is the only way out of the Empire of the flows into and heal the gap between the sum (the majority) and saved the day click. Especially now that has been called into question the fairness of the rankings.
To invoke this solution are the patrons of Ce.Pa., an acronym that combines ACLI, INAS-CISL, Inca-CGIL, Ital-Uil. Through their doors in December last matches are hundreds of thousands of job applications, but it is these cumulative shipments were slowed by blocks of computer system similar to that reported in Milan.
"We immediately reported the problems, which obviously take a back seat facing the overwhelming difference between the applications, and availability. Now we follow closely the outcome of the appeal, the consequences could be very serious, "said Henry in Moroni, the national coordinator of the Inca and Immigration Officer, who currently chairs the patronage Ce.Pa.
The risk is that, even after other appeals, one that's triggered Moroni calls "a war between the poor, like, put someone on the list, but cast out of someone else. "So in the end to make the costs of this situation would still be employed and who has called them, the solution should be rather general. "
So here is the way out: "A new decree that allows you to accept his applications if they have the requirements to complete the recruitment. We must then sit around a table, says the representative of the Inca - and solve the technical problems which are still holding the examinations. In addition, because the rankings in many provinces have not been published yet? ".
The root node is still the system by which the inputs are assigned. "This lottery that rewards only those who get there first is unacceptable," he insists Moroni. "The patrons - remember - have offered assistance free under a protocol with the Interior Ministry have prevented files to the prefectures and in the end were even penalized. Virtually horned and bouquets ... "
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Click day immigrants: the defense of the Ministry of Interior
The Tar Lombardy ordered the Prefecture of Milan for a month to suspend the issuance of clearances not yet delivered to non-EU workers had participated in the 'click day' on 15 December
The procedure of the 2007 decree, which grants residence permits to 170 thousand workers from countries outside the EU, may not come out unscathed from an administrative tribunal. The order of the Lombardy Regional Administrative Court of 27 August, which blocks the release clearances in Milan until Oct. 21 upheld an appeal of the CISL, creates a precedent. And the Ministry of Interior forces required to move: to oppose the injunction.
The puzzle in the hands of the judges about December 15, the first of three "Click Day 'reserved for nationals of countries with a fast track because they have signed bilateral agreements with Italy. In the first five hours of the race, the central computer of the Interior Ministry had blocked: dismissed the claims with Singhalese names because they are too long (the other explanation: the brainy did not recognize a character of the alphabet). But now the problem is not of Sinhalese citizens whose applications have been through this setback placed in a separate list of immigrants from other countries but they were right behind: the names of Sri Lanka have created a cap, the following questions were received by ritardoe the time of submission is the first of the criteria for the ranking 170 thousand of places available.
"I believe that no one can question the acquired rights of 70 thousand persons who have already been cleared, it would be unfair. Check if someone has been damaged and we will give the Tar seeking explanations, "says Mario Morcone, head of the Department of the Interior Ministry civil liberties and immigration, which has handled the whole procedure first electronic migration.
The Ministry are confident that the irregularity concerns about a thousand requests on 740mila. What about 140 thousand practices so far examined, 40% are "excludes" to inadequate income, stop the police, the objections of the local Labour Office. Which in practice have been accepted requests sent by the unions at three in the afternoon, despite the common voice that wants the shares spent the first few minutes after the start of the race (especially a problem in the packages the requests sent by charitable institutions, not those of the private). So far, then, the Lombardy Regional Administrative Court has only asked the Prefecture of Milan to do all the checks and has postponed to 21 October. But a literal application of the rules and an excess of zeal could blow up the whole procedure.

The Tar Lombardy ordered the Prefecture of Milan for a month to suspend the issuance of clearances not yet delivered to non-EU workers had participated in the 'click day' on 15 December
The procedure of the 2007 decree, which grants residence permits to 170 thousand workers from countries outside the EU, may not come out unscathed from an administrative tribunal. The order of the Lombardy Regional Administrative Court of 27 August, which blocks the release clearances in Milan until Oct. 21 upheld an appeal of the CISL, creates a precedent. And the Ministry of Interior forces required to move: to oppose the injunction.
The puzzle in the hands of the judges about December 15, the first of three "Click Day 'reserved for nationals of countries with a fast track because they have signed bilateral agreements with Italy. In the first five hours of the race, the central computer of the Interior Ministry had blocked: dismissed the claims with Singhalese names because they are too long (the other explanation: the brainy did not recognize a character of the alphabet). But now the problem is not of Sinhalese citizens whose applications have been through this setback placed in a separate list of immigrants from other countries but they were right behind: the names of Sri Lanka have created a cap, the following questions were received by ritardoe the time of submission is the first of the criteria for the ranking 170 thousand of places available.
"I believe that no one can question the acquired rights of 70 thousand persons who have already been cleared, it would be unfair. Check if someone has been damaged and we will give the Tar seeking explanations, "says Mario Morcone, head of the Department of the Interior Ministry civil liberties and immigration, which has handled the whole procedure first electronic migration.
The Ministry are confident that the irregularity concerns about a thousand requests on 740mila. What about 140 thousand practices so far examined, 40% are "excludes" to inadequate income, stop the police, the objections of the local Labour Office. Which in practice have been accepted requests sent by the unions at three in the afternoon, despite the common voice that wants the shares spent the first few minutes after the start of the race (especially a problem in the packages the requests sent by charitable institutions, not those of the private). So far, then, the Lombardy Regional Administrative Court has only asked the Prefecture of Milan to do all the checks and has postponed to 21 October. But a literal application of the rules and an excess of zeal could blow up the whole procedure.
Where Can You Get Fake Id's In Ontario
Click day immigrants: the defense of the Ministry of Interior
The Tar Lombardy ordered the Prefecture of Milan for a month to suspend the issuance of clearances not yet delivered to non-EU workers had participated in the 'click day' on 15 December
The procedure of the 2007 decree, which grants residence permits to 170 thousand workers from countries outside the EU, may not come out unscathed from an administrative tribunal. The order of the Lombardy Regional Administrative Court of 27 August, which blocks the release clearances in Milan until Oct. 21 upheld an appeal of the CISL, creates a precedent. And the Ministry of Interior forces required to move: to oppose the injunction.
The puzzle in the hands of the judges about December 15, the first of three "Click Day 'reserved for nationals of countries with a fast track because they have signed bilateral agreements with Italy. In the first five hours of the race, the central computer of the Interior Ministry had blocked: dismissed the claims with Singhalese names because they are too long (the other explanation: the brainy did not recognize a character of the alphabet). But now the problem is not of Sinhalese citizens whose applications have been through this setback placed in a separate list of immigrants from other countries but they were right behind: the names of Sri Lanka have created a cap, the following questions were received by ritardoe the time of submission is the first of the criteria for the ranking 170 thousand of places available.
"I believe that no one can question the acquired rights of 70 thousand persons who have already been cleared, it would be unfair. Check if someone has been damaged and we will give the Tar seeking explanations, "says Mario Morcone, head of the Department of the Interior Ministry civil liberties and immigration, which has handled the whole procedure first electronic migration.
The Ministry are confident that the irregularity concerns about a thousand requests on 740mila. What about 140 thousand practices so far examined, 40% are "excludes" to inadequate income, stop the police, the objections of the local Labour Office. Which in practice have been accepted requests sent by the unions at three in the afternoon, despite the common voice that wants the shares spent the first few minutes after the start of the race (especially a problem in the packages the requests sent by charitable institutions, not those of the private). So far, then, the Lombardy Regional Administrative Court has only asked the Prefecture of Milan to do all the checks and has postponed to 21 October. But a literal application of the rules and an excess of zeal could blow up the whole procedure.

The Tar Lombardy ordered the Prefecture of Milan for a month to suspend the issuance of clearances not yet delivered to non-EU workers had participated in the 'click day' on 15 December
The procedure of the 2007 decree, which grants residence permits to 170 thousand workers from countries outside the EU, may not come out unscathed from an administrative tribunal. The order of the Lombardy Regional Administrative Court of 27 August, which blocks the release clearances in Milan until Oct. 21 upheld an appeal of the CISL, creates a precedent. And the Ministry of Interior forces required to move: to oppose the injunction.
The puzzle in the hands of the judges about December 15, the first of three "Click Day 'reserved for nationals of countries with a fast track because they have signed bilateral agreements with Italy. In the first five hours of the race, the central computer of the Interior Ministry had blocked: dismissed the claims with Singhalese names because they are too long (the other explanation: the brainy did not recognize a character of the alphabet). But now the problem is not of Sinhalese citizens whose applications have been through this setback placed in a separate list of immigrants from other countries but they were right behind: the names of Sri Lanka have created a cap, the following questions were received by ritardoe the time of submission is the first of the criteria for the ranking 170 thousand of places available.
"I believe that no one can question the acquired rights of 70 thousand persons who have already been cleared, it would be unfair. Check if someone has been damaged and we will give the Tar seeking explanations, "says Mario Morcone, head of the Department of the Interior Ministry civil liberties and immigration, which has handled the whole procedure first electronic migration.
The Ministry are confident that the irregularity concerns about a thousand requests on 740mila. What about 140 thousand practices so far examined, 40% are "excludes" to inadequate income, stop the police, the objections of the local Labour Office. Which in practice have been accepted requests sent by the unions at three in the afternoon, despite the common voice that wants the shares spent the first few minutes after the start of the race (especially a problem in the packages the requests sent by charitable institutions, not those of the private). So far, then, the Lombardy Regional Administrative Court has only asked the Prefecture of Milan to do all the checks and has postponed to 21 October. But a literal application of the rules and an excess of zeal could blow up the whole procedure.
Where Can You Get Fake Id's In Ontario
Click day immigrants: the defense of the Ministry of Interior
The Tar Lombardy ordered the Prefecture of Milan for a month to suspend the issuance of clearances not yet delivered to non-EU workers had participated in the 'click day' on 15 December
The procedure of the 2007 decree, which grants residence permits to 170 thousand workers from countries outside the EU, may not come out unscathed from an administrative tribunal. The order of the Lombardy Regional Administrative Court of 27 August, which blocks the release clearances in Milan until Oct. 21 upheld an appeal of the CISL, creates a precedent. And the Ministry of Interior forces required to move: to oppose the injunction.
The puzzle in the hands of the judges about December 15, the first of three "Click Day 'reserved for nationals of countries with a fast track because they have signed bilateral agreements with Italy. In the first five hours of the race, the central computer of the Interior Ministry had blocked: dismissed the claims with Singhalese names because they are too long (the other explanation: the brainy did not recognize a character of the alphabet). But now the problem is not of Sinhalese citizens whose applications have been through this setback placed in a separate list of immigrants from other countries but they were right behind: the names of Sri Lanka have created a cap, the following questions were received by ritardoe the time of submission is the first of the criteria for the ranking 170 thousand of places available.
"I believe that no one can question the acquired rights of 70 thousand persons who have already been cleared, it would be unfair. Check if someone has been damaged and we will give the Tar seeking explanations, "says Mario Morcone, head of the Department of the Interior Ministry civil liberties and immigration, which has handled the whole procedure first electronic migration.
The Ministry are confident that the irregularity concerns about a thousand requests on 740mila. What about 140 thousand practices so far examined, 40% are "excludes" to inadequate income, stop the police, the objections of the local Labour Office. Which in practice have been accepted requests sent by the unions at three in the afternoon, despite the common voice that wants the shares spent the first few minutes after the start of the race (especially a problem in the packages the requests sent by charitable institutions, not those of the private). So far, then, the Lombardy Regional Administrative Court has only asked the Prefecture of Milan to do all the checks and has postponed to 21 October. But a literal application of the rules and an excess of zeal could blow up the whole procedure.

The Tar Lombardy ordered the Prefecture of Milan for a month to suspend the issuance of clearances not yet delivered to non-EU workers had participated in the 'click day' on 15 December
The procedure of the 2007 decree, which grants residence permits to 170 thousand workers from countries outside the EU, may not come out unscathed from an administrative tribunal. The order of the Lombardy Regional Administrative Court of 27 August, which blocks the release clearances in Milan until Oct. 21 upheld an appeal of the CISL, creates a precedent. And the Ministry of Interior forces required to move: to oppose the injunction.
The puzzle in the hands of the judges about December 15, the first of three "Click Day 'reserved for nationals of countries with a fast track because they have signed bilateral agreements with Italy. In the first five hours of the race, the central computer of the Interior Ministry had blocked: dismissed the claims with Singhalese names because they are too long (the other explanation: the brainy did not recognize a character of the alphabet). But now the problem is not of Sinhalese citizens whose applications have been through this setback placed in a separate list of immigrants from other countries but they were right behind: the names of Sri Lanka have created a cap, the following questions were received by ritardoe the time of submission is the first of the criteria for the ranking 170 thousand of places available.
"I believe that no one can question the acquired rights of 70 thousand persons who have already been cleared, it would be unfair. Check if someone has been damaged and we will give the Tar seeking explanations, "says Mario Morcone, head of the Department of the Interior Ministry civil liberties and immigration, which has handled the whole procedure first electronic migration.
The Ministry are confident that the irregularity concerns about a thousand requests on 740mila. What about 140 thousand practices so far examined, 40% are "excludes" to inadequate income, stop the police, the objections of the local Labour Office. Which in practice have been accepted requests sent by the unions at three in the afternoon, despite the common voice that wants the shares spent the first few minutes after the start of the race (especially a problem in the packages the requests sent by charitable institutions, not those of the private). So far, then, the Lombardy Regional Administrative Court has only asked the Prefecture of Milan to do all the checks and has postponed to 21 October. But a literal application of the rules and an excess of zeal could blow up the whole procedure.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Dangerously Low Bmi Men
updated lists of residence permits ready to be picked up at police headquarters in Cosenza
In order to avoid lengthy and unnecessary queues at the counters of the Immigration Office of the local Police and Commissioners' PS Ross, Castrovillari and Paola, have created two lists in PDF format which can be inferred from the residence permits of third country nationals ready for delivery.
lists, in respect of privacy are made of only alphanumeric characters found on receipt of submission of the postal receipt or on the (bulletin number - number of insurance) held by the applicant.
The non-EU citizens on the lists found that the successful establishment of their own practice may withdraw the document at the office in which he presented a petition, only the PSE must be picked up at the door the Immigration Office.
electronic residence permit:
In order to avoid lengthy and unnecessary queues at the counters of the Immigration Office of the local Police and Commissioners' PS Ross, Castrovillari and Paola, have created two lists in PDF format which can be inferred from the residence permits of third country nationals ready for delivery.
lists, in respect of privacy are made of only alphanumeric characters found on receipt of submission of the postal receipt or on the (bulletin number - number of insurance) held by the applicant.
The non-EU citizens on the lists found that the successful establishment of their own practice may withdraw the document at the office in which he presented a petition, only the PSE must be picked up at the door the Immigration Office.
electronic residence permit:
Dangerously Low Bmi Men
updated lists of residence permits ready to be picked up at police headquarters in Cosenza
In order to avoid lengthy and unnecessary queues at the counters of the Immigration Office of the local Police and Commissioners' PS Ross, Castrovillari and Paola, have created two lists in PDF format which can be inferred from the residence permits of third country nationals ready for delivery.
lists, in respect of privacy are made of only alphanumeric characters found on receipt of submission of the postal receipt or on the (bulletin number - number of insurance) held by the applicant.
The non-EU citizens on the lists found that the successful establishment of their own practice may withdraw the document at the office in which he presented a petition, only the PSE must be picked up at the door the Immigration Office.
electronic residence permit:
In order to avoid lengthy and unnecessary queues at the counters of the Immigration Office of the local Police and Commissioners' PS Ross, Castrovillari and Paola, have created two lists in PDF format which can be inferred from the residence permits of third country nationals ready for delivery.
lists, in respect of privacy are made of only alphanumeric characters found on receipt of submission of the postal receipt or on the (bulletin number - number of insurance) held by the applicant.
The non-EU citizens on the lists found that the successful establishment of their own practice may withdraw the document at the office in which he presented a petition, only the PSE must be picked up at the door the Immigration Office.
electronic residence permit:
Dangerously Low Bmi Men
updated lists of residence permits ready to be picked up at police headquarters in Cosenza
In order to avoid lengthy and unnecessary queues at the counters of the Immigration Office of the local Police and Commissioners' PS Ross, Castrovillari and Paola, have created two lists in PDF format which can be inferred from the residence permits of third country nationals ready for delivery.
lists, in respect of privacy are made of only alphanumeric characters found on receipt of submission of the postal receipt or on the (bulletin number - number of insurance) held by the applicant.
The non-EU citizens on the lists found that the successful establishment of their own practice may withdraw the document at the office in which he presented a petition, only the PSE must be picked up at the door the Immigration Office.
electronic residence permit:
In order to avoid lengthy and unnecessary queues at the counters of the Immigration Office of the local Police and Commissioners' PS Ross, Castrovillari and Paola, have created two lists in PDF format which can be inferred from the residence permits of third country nationals ready for delivery.
lists, in respect of privacy are made of only alphanumeric characters found on receipt of submission of the postal receipt or on the (bulletin number - number of insurance) held by the applicant.
The non-EU citizens on the lists found that the successful establishment of their own practice may withdraw the document at the office in which he presented a petition, only the PSE must be picked up at the door the Immigration Office.
electronic residence permit:
What Can I Use As A Thermostate On My Smoker
flows, after nine months less than half the seats allocated
After nine months, up 170 thousand new jobs to non-EU citizens provided by the 2007 decree, those who were given the green light is just 76 thousand. It means that the immigration stop shops are not even half done. This is revealed by recent data from the Interior Ministry yesterday updated, September 8.
on 170 thousand seats available, 76,869 are precisely the clearances granted by the offices. That is about 45%. Although it is true that many provincial-stop-shops have assigned more than half of its seats, it is mainly offices in those provinces where foreign workers are not particularly required. An exception, among the cities, only Milan, where the Single Desk has already allocated 77.7% of the clearances available.
The updated data from the Interior Ministry later confirmed that the percentage of rejected applications is high: around 40%. In fact, applications in which examination has been completed is 126,586. Of these, however, well 9344 have failed to police headquarters for the presence of impediments to recruitment as a previous deportation. Other
35,078 instead have been rejected by the local Labour for insufficient income from those who are taking or irregularities in the type of contract applied. Finally, 5,295 practices were "closed" because the employer no longer wishes to recruit. There are 4,296 applications still in process, for which, however, the provincial work required documents are missing. E 'likely that at least some of these will end up in the common trash.
If the percentage of waste will remain so high, there is no impediment to allocate 170 thousand one-stop shops should consider almost twice as many practices, and time will continue to expand. The new computer system introduced in December last year had to shorten the time for recruitment from abroad. But if the trend will be confirmed (8,500 clearances per month), the last will be delivered in almost a year. That is, a family that has asked to take a domestic worker in December 2007 could be answered in September 2009.
article Chiara Righetti - Metropoli La Repubblica - 09/09/2008
After nine months, up 170 thousand new jobs to non-EU citizens provided by the 2007 decree, those who were given the green light is just 76 thousand. It means that the immigration stop shops are not even half done. This is revealed by recent data from the Interior Ministry yesterday updated, September 8.
on 170 thousand seats available, 76,869 are precisely the clearances granted by the offices. That is about 45%. Although it is true that many provincial-stop-shops have assigned more than half of its seats, it is mainly offices in those provinces where foreign workers are not particularly required. An exception, among the cities, only Milan, where the Single Desk has already allocated 77.7% of the clearances available.
The updated data from the Interior Ministry later confirmed that the percentage of rejected applications is high: around 40%. In fact, applications in which examination has been completed is 126,586. Of these, however, well 9344 have failed to police headquarters for the presence of impediments to recruitment as a previous deportation. Other
35,078 instead have been rejected by the local Labour for insufficient income from those who are taking or irregularities in the type of contract applied. Finally, 5,295 practices were "closed" because the employer no longer wishes to recruit. There are 4,296 applications still in process, for which, however, the provincial work required documents are missing. E 'likely that at least some of these will end up in the common trash.
If the percentage of waste will remain so high, there is no impediment to allocate 170 thousand one-stop shops should consider almost twice as many practices, and time will continue to expand. The new computer system introduced in December last year had to shorten the time for recruitment from abroad. But if the trend will be confirmed (8,500 clearances per month), the last will be delivered in almost a year. That is, a family that has asked to take a domestic worker in December 2007 could be answered in September 2009.
article Chiara Righetti - Metropoli La Repubblica - 09/09/2008
What Can I Use As A Thermostate On My Smoker
flows, after nine months less than half the seats allocated
After nine months, up 170 thousand new jobs to non-EU citizens provided by the 2007 decree, those who were given the green light is just 76 thousand. It means that the immigration stop shops are not even half done. This is revealed by recent data from the Interior Ministry yesterday updated, September 8.
on 170 thousand seats available, 76,869 are precisely the clearances granted by the offices. That is about 45%. Although it is true that many provincial-stop-shops have assigned more than half of its seats, it is mainly offices in those provinces where foreign workers are not particularly required. An exception, among the cities, only Milan, where the Single Desk has already allocated 77.7% of the clearances available.
The updated data from the Interior Ministry later confirmed that the percentage of rejected applications is high: around 40%. In fact, applications in which examination has been completed is 126,586. Of these, however, well 9344 have failed to police headquarters for the presence of impediments to recruitment as a previous deportation. Other
35,078 instead have been rejected by the local Labour for insufficient income from those who are taking or irregularities in the type of contract applied. Finally, 5,295 practices were "closed" because the employer no longer wishes to recruit. There are 4,296 applications still in process, for which, however, the provincial work required documents are missing. E 'likely that at least some of these will end up in the common trash.
If the percentage of waste will remain so high, there is no impediment to allocate 170 thousand one-stop shops should consider almost twice as many practices, and time will continue to expand. The new computer system introduced in December last year had to shorten the time for recruitment from abroad. But if the trend will be confirmed (8,500 clearances per month), the last will be delivered in almost a year. That is, a family that has asked to take a domestic worker in December 2007 could be answered in September 2009.
article Chiara Righetti - Metropoli La Repubblica - 09/09/2008
After nine months, up 170 thousand new jobs to non-EU citizens provided by the 2007 decree, those who were given the green light is just 76 thousand. It means that the immigration stop shops are not even half done. This is revealed by recent data from the Interior Ministry yesterday updated, September 8.
on 170 thousand seats available, 76,869 are precisely the clearances granted by the offices. That is about 45%. Although it is true that many provincial-stop-shops have assigned more than half of its seats, it is mainly offices in those provinces where foreign workers are not particularly required. An exception, among the cities, only Milan, where the Single Desk has already allocated 77.7% of the clearances available.
The updated data from the Interior Ministry later confirmed that the percentage of rejected applications is high: around 40%. In fact, applications in which examination has been completed is 126,586. Of these, however, well 9344 have failed to police headquarters for the presence of impediments to recruitment as a previous deportation. Other
35,078 instead have been rejected by the local Labour for insufficient income from those who are taking or irregularities in the type of contract applied. Finally, 5,295 practices were "closed" because the employer no longer wishes to recruit. There are 4,296 applications still in process, for which, however, the provincial work required documents are missing. E 'likely that at least some of these will end up in the common trash.
If the percentage of waste will remain so high, there is no impediment to allocate 170 thousand one-stop shops should consider almost twice as many practices, and time will continue to expand. The new computer system introduced in December last year had to shorten the time for recruitment from abroad. But if the trend will be confirmed (8,500 clearances per month), the last will be delivered in almost a year. That is, a family that has asked to take a domestic worker in December 2007 could be answered in September 2009.
article Chiara Righetti - Metropoli La Repubblica - 09/09/2008
What Can I Use As A Thermostate On My Smoker
flows, after nine months less than half the seats allocated
After nine months, up 170 thousand new jobs to non-EU citizens provided by the 2007 decree, those who were given the green light is just 76 thousand. It means that the immigration stop shops are not even half done. This is revealed by recent data from the Interior Ministry yesterday updated, September 8.
on 170 thousand seats available, 76,869 are precisely the clearances granted by the offices. That is about 45%. Although it is true that many provincial-stop-shops have assigned more than half of its seats, it is mainly offices in those provinces where foreign workers are not particularly required. An exception, among the cities, only Milan, where the Single Desk has already allocated 77.7% of the clearances available.
The updated data from the Interior Ministry later confirmed that the percentage of rejected applications is high: around 40%. In fact, applications in which examination has been completed is 126,586. Of these, however, well 9344 have failed to police headquarters for the presence of impediments to recruitment as a previous deportation. Other
35,078 instead have been rejected by the local Labour for insufficient income from those who are taking or irregularities in the type of contract applied. Finally, 5,295 practices were "closed" because the employer no longer wishes to recruit. There are 4,296 applications still in process, for which, however, the provincial work required documents are missing. E 'likely that at least some of these will end up in the common trash.
If the percentage of waste will remain so high, there is no impediment to allocate 170 thousand one-stop shops should consider almost twice as many practices, and time will continue to expand. The new computer system introduced in December last year had to shorten the time for recruitment from abroad. But if the trend will be confirmed (8,500 clearances per month), the last will be delivered in almost a year. That is, a family that has asked to take a domestic worker in December 2007 could be answered in September 2009.
article Chiara Righetti - Metropoli La Repubblica - 09/09/2008
After nine months, up 170 thousand new jobs to non-EU citizens provided by the 2007 decree, those who were given the green light is just 76 thousand. It means that the immigration stop shops are not even half done. This is revealed by recent data from the Interior Ministry yesterday updated, September 8.
on 170 thousand seats available, 76,869 are precisely the clearances granted by the offices. That is about 45%. Although it is true that many provincial-stop-shops have assigned more than half of its seats, it is mainly offices in those provinces where foreign workers are not particularly required. An exception, among the cities, only Milan, where the Single Desk has already allocated 77.7% of the clearances available.
The updated data from the Interior Ministry later confirmed that the percentage of rejected applications is high: around 40%. In fact, applications in which examination has been completed is 126,586. Of these, however, well 9344 have failed to police headquarters for the presence of impediments to recruitment as a previous deportation. Other
35,078 instead have been rejected by the local Labour for insufficient income from those who are taking or irregularities in the type of contract applied. Finally, 5,295 practices were "closed" because the employer no longer wishes to recruit. There are 4,296 applications still in process, for which, however, the provincial work required documents are missing. E 'likely that at least some of these will end up in the common trash.
If the percentage of waste will remain so high, there is no impediment to allocate 170 thousand one-stop shops should consider almost twice as many practices, and time will continue to expand. The new computer system introduced in December last year had to shorten the time for recruitment from abroad. But if the trend will be confirmed (8,500 clearances per month), the last will be delivered in almost a year. That is, a family that has asked to take a domestic worker in December 2007 could be answered in September 2009.
article Chiara Righetti - Metropoli La Repubblica - 09/09/2008
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