The group Archimedes proposes a housing unit formed on two basic concepts: a dynamic aggregation and free spirit of the residential elements and a thorough study on the internal space.
The design of the building volumes and their articulation were a consequence of the process of spatial analysis a priori: our study aimed to seek an internal layout of individual tools that provide more comfort in less space. This is due to the difficulties that may be found in the location of residential elements "emergency" and a possible pre-decor of the location of the first in situ.
The unit is organized in an above the ground floor and a cantilever, respectively dedicated to the living area and bedroom area. You have inserted a green roof with walkable for unity on the ground floor and underside of the bedroom and was conceived with the goal of shelter for motor vehicles. The vertical movement is carried out on a spiral staircase (to optimize the spaces) that becomes a real "pin-board" for the free choice of angle between the blocks.
This is the vital element of our architecture. It gives endless combinations of individual elements from which many possible combinations to create the most appropriate solution as required.

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