Information for the delivery of the second exercise.
For the purposes of the examination (evaluation points from -2 to +2 points)
1. Insert image in this blog at least 3 of the inception phase and a description.
2. Insert image in this blog at least 3 of the final project and a description.
If possible, use the same post for everyone.
3. Load the file on the final 3D www.greenprefab / index.php (login / username and password / files explorer/02 - DESIGN PHASE / 02.03 - Preliminary Project).
Any additional material will be welcome and well considered.
For the purposes of the "IDEA FOR RECONSTRUCTION"
Team leaders of the projects deemed most worthy will be contacted via email and will receive clear instructions to decide whether to participate in the contest.
Here to monitor a photo of your colleague Mark visit to L'Aquila! Ask him how it went ... :)

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