Our project has developed around the issue of timeliness of response to a collective need and the need to make it more feasible as possible. That's why we ORGANISATION OF SAFETY +
the eight units in manira compact and rational in trying to provide a minimum living space of a high standard and we tried to create a common space for social interactions using elements with stardanrdizzate measures and combined in different patterns.
the eight units in manira compact and rational in trying to provide a minimum living space of a high standard and we tried to create a common space for social interactions using elements with stardanrdizzate measures and combined in different patterns.
Initially we thought of a home to''L''on two floors with a single room upstairs, but the basic framework to simplify and make the movement more convenient for users we have eliminated the second floor and arranged all the rooms on one level.

We have come to different environments of the two provisions: first, we have a large open space dedicated to living and services on a branch of the L while the other is the sleeping area;
second in the living room serves as a linchpin between the two branches of L occupied by the bedrooms and services.
In both cases the house has a veranda's and is connected to the other residential areas through a system of shelters.

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